
It's probably good for something but not for me πŸ˜†
I don't want to worry about if I'm liked.

Josephine That's ok Josephine! That feature is totally optional. There is naturally no problem if you don't use that feature at all. Except --- hey everyone!! Josephine doesn't use that feature!!!!!!!! (kidding only haha). We know you're a good sort. Always have known.

Stub Regarding downvotes--imo that's asking for trouble. People can vote down for any number of reasons, some valid, others not. At any rate, it's making negativity public.

I fully agree with this. Downvotes - it is simply not friendly, not nice. And haven't we agreed to be nice?

... feeling like the pianist on the Titanic ...

I agree with likes as it is not just a token but it shows that I have read and agree with the poster. Sadly missing on the old forum. Therefore people who did not feel like thay could add anything become ghosts

    @navindra navindra - please note the pattern of somebody or a group intentionally coming in to derail a thread, and also note the pianoworld style of a moderator that has no business to be in our thread (unless they showed some passion or interest in the thread by posting something positive - to demonstrate them worthy of our respect) - especially if he had previously contributed absolutely nothing to the discussion - walking/rocking in to close the thread. I'm not even going to write 'power tripping moderator' - as it just gives them an excuse for saying that we insulted them, and the 'play nice' cliche thing. But also note that this is the same exact guy that banned me permanently from pianoworld and making up absolute lies about me - about trolling, when in fact it is EXACTLY the same as what is happening here. People with different opinions flagging and ganging up when they have opinions different to another person. In the link below - it is the pattern of someone or some people deliberately going off-topic in order to then allow that moderator (who also wants the thread locked) to do their 'deed'.

    I was 'hoping' that this would not be happening on Piano Tell, as compared with pianoworld.

    Also - bartk - you really shouldn't be allowed to use that same and very old tactic here of - 'going nowhere - thread closed'. You didn't even contribute in that thread. Instead of doing what you did - you had the chance of contributing positively - but you did not, and I know the reason.

    I'm also - like Quitter - going to be true to my words as well. I certainly intended to contribute and share/demonstrate my absolute love of piano and piano-playing and music here. But, because I see inappropriate moderation/behaviour going on here in this forum, and there is negativity between two mods and myself stemming from pianoworld, I'm going to be on reddit instead.

    On reddit, pleasantly surprising that just a few words to help someone in the area of piano can be so nice an experience there.

    Piano LINK - reddit

    I do wish you well too navindra - because at the moment, I don't believe that you are like 'them' (ie. bartk and gombessa).

    Best regards to you navindra (and the ones that are/were nice to me here) - SouthPark - North Queensland. Australia.

    @Pallas Thanks Pallas. The reason why that particular post (my previous one) is in this thread is to make it known to at least some members which mods I know are 'behind' things. I have a feeling that navindra is most likely not like 'them'. That's my feeling. But that's ok.

    Pallas This is nothing like Piano World.

    It is indeed much much better. But I can see patterns ... in a couple of areas. The same patterns going on. Negative patterns. It has been identified.

    And importantly - I really believe that navindra is trying to make a good difference. I want navindra to know a few things that I know. And for other members - if I don't say something - then they won't know selected key details for improving the forum - culture/moderation etc. One person knowing is not enough. We need more people understanding.

    Hopefully I did make some positive contributions here. Best regards Pallas. You are a good sort, and that is what counts.

      SouthPark from my understanding the mods all talk behind the scenes to reach a decision on how to handle situations and this is not discussed with the public because it's not up for debate. But thought goes into the process. In this case it may seem to you that it's personal but Bart may just be the messenger for a joint decision.

      I think it would really help if you can treat it as a mod decision made to keep the community peaceful rather than anything personal. A lot of times, closing off a conversation when it's starting to get ugly is more effective than waiting until it's much worse.

      It's a fresh start here and rehashing your old wounds will only keep you stuck in a negative loop. Hopefully you can take this to heart; I think you would really have a much more enjoyable time here if you can treat it as a new start.

        twocats Thanks for posting. Importantly, understanding the wounds or injuries - the wounded/injured pianoworld will be beneficial for 'improving' operations and culture at Piano Tell. As mentioned ... Piano Tell has been much much much better than pianoworld by a long shot. But if the mods don't change ... as at least a couple are/were pianoworld mods, then it is possible that you get the same negative stuff going on here, which is the reason for my describing it. And some of that negative stuff has indeed surfaced here, as we know. It's fine if they want to defend/refute etc. But at least I can say a few words as well.

        Your mention of negative loop is good. We can help both pianoworld and Piano Tell break out of those negative loops by understanding and seeing what is happening. And then sort it.

          SouthPark I understand you feeling that you have to say your piece, and we heard it. But I hope you're able to let it go now? Honestly I feel that the anger affects the positive feeling here.

          I hope you find a place where you feel safe discussing your love of piano, whether it's here or somewhere else.

          All of the moderators here work as a team and we all agree on how we're handling things. And, just like at PW, we are all volunteers and we are all acting in good faith. Please remember that PT is not the place for bringing in old grudges from PW.

          @ShiroKuro , @BartK and other mods, thanks for your thoughtful and well-intentioned actions. It’s been noted before that being a mod is a thankless task, and there will always be people who see bad faith no matter what action is taken (or deferred). But I (and I think most users here) are appreciative of the efforts you take to keep PianoTell a positive and friendly place. Thank you! πŸ™

          2 months later

          Hopefully this is an appropriate topic, pulled this quote from this thread.

          Once piece of feedback I received is that I shouldn't edit flagged posts. It's preferable to hide the post temporarily, send feedback, and ask the author to edit the post themselves (or retract it). I think that's a good piece of feedback for the future and we can make that official so that nobody is surprised when it happens.

          It was interesting to see the flarum tag of "2 paragraphs removed by mods" in a prior thread. I think in-line edits are one of many tools available, and there are better and worse situations to use it. Sometimes, a post has a mix of valuable substantive content, AND inappropriate/offensive comments. It would be a shame to drop the entire post in those cases. But I think it's also the case that some people end up gaming the system and intentionally and regularly slipping in really negative/toxic statements into longer posts, as a way to get around having the full post removed. and leave to reporters and mods to "clean it up if discovered." In those latter cases, it gets burdensome for everyone pretty quickly, and really starts to drag down the vibe while it continues.

          In short, again I think the mods are doing a fine job here, and really approaching with a positive mindset and balance.