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Yes, that's the same order as that in which the sharps and flat are written in the key signature. I suppose you don't notice that until you have to write key signatures by hand.
Such tricks are good at the beginning but the goal should be to know which sharps/flats are in the key signature automatically. You do that by practicing your scales inside out until you can play any scale in your sleep. In a way that's similar to what you wrote about your fingers remembering the sharp/flat after you played it except it's permanent.
But all of that is not really what I was talking about. I can already automatically play sharps/flats in every key signature. However, if there are accidentals that modify the key signature this is where things get more complicated. There are often chromatic notes that are not within the diatonic scale and then the automatism of the scale notes doesn't work and you have to consciously keep track of which notes are changed. That is until you get to the stage where this is also automatic.
So, I'm just giving my perspective from someone who has gone a little bit further down the road to sight reading mastery.