Stuff happens. 🙂 Glad the site is back up again.

Jane I'm not entirely sure what happened but FreeFlarum had made some SSL configuration updates and the outage was related to that.

I'm also planning to use Let's Encrypt on the new host. I'm pretty amazed at how well it works and how everything is automated! Even better, it's all free.

    Makes sense. Normally I'd get an "insecure" error for an expired certificate but Chrome would still grudgingly allow a connection. This was a different SSL error, though.

    Make a joyful noise...
    Jane - expert on nothing with opinions on everything.

    I’m glad everything’s ok!

    It's funny - Pallas and I speculated exactly that: CloudFlare being grumpy with the SSL certificate 😃 But it turned out to be on their end after all. Glad it's back now! I can rest my poor exhausted "Refresh" finger at last and get back to that piano 🫰

    That's a relief. I was unable to log on earlier. Thing is that it happened a number of days ago as well. Therefore I wondered if something at my end were blocking it. I keep getting McAfee trying to worm its way back into my system and have not been able to totally delete it. I thought mischief might be coming from that end. I'm an IT dinosaur. First computer I ever saw was bigger than a fridge.

    Very pleased that PT is back. Thanks navindra.

    This page didn't report any incidents so I assumed you were doing the maintenance. Sorry for the misleading info.

      BartK Not at all... thank you for getting comms out actually!

      Yes, was misleading in this case. I guess FreeFlarum sites that don't use custom domains were working just fine and this site doesn't have a test for custom domains.

      Thanks for the update @navindra. I had assumed was the move you were talking about earlier, too. Glad to see everything back up and running.