What a lovely face!

The cat is very nice too 🤪

Just teasing!!!! Great picture TC, you both look so relaxed ☺️

  • TC3 replied to this.
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    Sophia I'm a little too relaxed, as evidenced by that extra mass around my waist ... Oh well, it makes a comfy bed for Gigi. 🙂

    Enthusiastic but mediocre amateur.

    10 days later

    we had a talk and she agrees my way is best
    no more torch songs on the piano
    "I hear and obey, Master" she said - with her eyes

      Schubertian2 "I hear and obey, Master"

      Our cats say that too... except they change the order of words a little. "I Master, hear and obey" is what their eyes are saying...

      12 days later

      Simonb Yes, she's a Tonkinese (Burmese and Siamese cross breed)

      5 days later

      New photo! Featuring 4 of our 5 cats:

      They love our bear (“Bearsendorfer”) and currently using it for a nap.

      I suppose the bear could also be classified as a pet as well? 🙂

      a month later

      Sophia Lovely photos, those are classy cats! They look the picture of health.

      "Don't let's ask for the moon, we have the stars." (Final line from Now,Voyager, 1942)

      17 days later