It seems that even in amateur competitions the competitor with the cleanest technique is rarely the top prize winner, at least in the bigger competitions. I'll take myself as an example. I recently posted a recording of a performance of mine that won an amateur online competition last year. Well here's a secret, I actually participated in two amateur competitions with that recording. Yes I did win one (the smaller of the two) but ended up with 2nd prize at the other one, which was the bigger competition, dedicated to Chopin, the one I really wanted to win âšī¸.
I'll let you be the judge:
Here is my performance that got me the silver medal:
And here is the big winner.. (Pardon the funny photo, and relax, I made these performances anonymous anyway!):
I think it's clear that I had the cleaner technique. And yet the other guy won, maybe because he was musically better? Or because he chose a flashier piece because he was smarter, in any case good for him!