BartK If we are to have recitals on PT it is my belief that they
need to be different in some way from PW recitals. Firstly they need to appeal to PT members so perhaps they should be more informal. Besides fully polished pieces, work in progress pieces could be encouraged. I am not sure if comments are a good thing. In my view the timing of recitals on PT should be different to PW. Some difficult choices to make.

Pallas I second everything Pallas said here. I too have no preference what system P|T will adopt... my only wish is that it will adopt its own culture in time. I know that some have years of history tied to PW, so some will feel a lot more nostalgic about the place. Whereas I have good memories (it's where I met you all), there are some things I would like to leave behind in there (some of the cultural aspects). And I absolutely think that @Sam's wishes are gospel when it comes to recitals. I mean it's his baby 🙂

Just speaking for myself, I wouldn't mind if this recital environment is sufficiently different from PW so it won't feel like competition. For example three times a year instead of quarterly, distinctions like that to make it unique to this forum. Perhaps January, May and September. Maybe even each themed - for example January - anything goes. May - themed recital. September - everyone is wearing something blue. I'm joking of course... but seriously, I'm really hoping this place will come to stand on its own and not depend on whatever goes on in PW. That's my wish 🤞

I’m gonna make a blunt observation. It seems like almost everyone who has recently been an ABF participant is posting quite a bit here and almost nothing there. There are a few regular recital members who don’t post much to the forum, other than at the time of recitals, so I don’t know whether they’d make the trip over to participate in a recital here, but other than those few people, I think most of the committed people are spending a lot more time here these days.

I like this new forum a lot. But it’s possible that it’s the latest shiny toy, and in time people may get bored with it and go back. Or it may really take off. My sense is that a lot of us who are over here were pretty unhappy with a lot of things at the other place, so I’m optimistic.

However, any recitals over here are currently an abstraction. My sense is that Navindra’s got a lot going on to set this place up in a way that is sustainable long-term, and I’m sure this will be a priority ahead of doing whatever needs to be done to set up a recital. Anyways, I’m sure that if/when a recital series gets started, there will be plenty of issues to work out, things that work well and things that don’t. My opinion is that we don’t need to get bogged down right now in things like timing, how much distinction there should be with PW recitals, etc. I think the first recitals will, as much as anything, be an opportunity to sort out how to get them going, work out the kinks, etc.

    Right, I think we're all basically saying the same thing here. It's perfectly acceptable to wait and see how things play out. There is no rush to make any decisions here... this is P|T. Anything can happen here.

    And PW is PW, where recitals are scheduled and planned for the future... where we can participate if we wish, or leave them to it if we don't 😃

    I think that independent of what is happening on PW, having Reticals can be a tentpole or anchor feature for a new site like PT to keep momentum going and positive, proactive engagement up!

    I personally don't mind if the recital theme/schedule mirrors PW (a good way to ensure that folks who share to one recital can do so here as well, and vice versa) or strikes out independently, but I'm in favor of getting something going quickly, so we can get a strong start and a good baseline to improve and iterate on 🙂

      Gombessa Agreed! Hopefully with the approach proposed above (based on the excellent ideas here), we can refine a plan and get a recital going with relatively little effort.

      As for the timing, I've reached out to @Sam for his input. We would do well to go by his recommendations on this. 🙂

      At least one advantage of timing it with a PW recital is that folks can get maximum impact for a performance they might have been planning anyway. We can make sure things are working well here before thinking of forging a new path ahead.

      Sgisela I was new over there, and joined specifically for the recitals (I joined in Feb for the Feb recital ) and apart from the Feb and may recitals barely participated. So I’m not sure my opinion counts for much! This platform is so much more user friendly, but without the ‘draw’ of some kind of recital series I could see myself not keeping up here. Or there. And that’s assuming I manage to keep up my renewed piano practice of course (7 months in now!) - but the recital opp is a big part of my motivation to keep going!

      I'm thinking about the submission template a bit.


      1. Present pertinent information upfront.
      2. Performance!
      3. Additional details can be viewed after the performance if desired.

      So I'm thinking something like this:

      [b]Performer:[/b] Peter Bence from Hungary. I've been playing since 1991.
      [b]Piece:[/b] Under Pressure by Queen & David Bowie.
      [b]Comment Policy:[/b] Critical Comments: Anything goes!
      >! [b]Source of music:[/b] My own arrangement.
      >! [b]Instrument:[/b] Purple Upright.
      >! [b]Recording method:[/b] iPhone X with large condenser microphones.
      >! [b]Additional info:[/b] I get a lot of requests to play Bohemian Rhapsody but I'm still not happy with my progress on that one. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this rendition of Under Pressure. It took me a whole week to spray paint the piano!

      It looks like this:

      Performer: Peter Bence from Hungary. I've been playing since 1991.
      Piece: Under Pressure by Queen & David Bowie.
      Comment Policy: Critical Comments: Anything goes!

      Source of music: My own arrangement.
      Instrument: Purple Upright.
      Recording method: iPhone X with large condenser microphones.
      Additional info: I get a lot of requests to play Bohemian Rhapsody but I'm still not happy with my progress on that one. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this rendition of Under Pressure. It took me a whole week to spray paint the piano!


      It looks good!

      Is someone else going to post the submissions, just like the other forum? I'm asking because if you have to do it yourself at a certain time it's possible that people from some countries have to submit their piece in the middle of the night.

        Josephine Each person will need to submit their performance using the template and the submission period would be 2 weeks. The submitted posts will only be visible to the performer and the recital leader.

        After 2 weeks, the recital leader will approve all the submissions and the recital will be live.

        Does that work?

        If there's a timezone consideration, the recital leader can schedule the post that opens the recital for submission. So we can try to be fair over time. However, right now we all abide by Sam's timezone anyway. 😃


          Sounds good!

          I don't mind if the recital opens in the middle of the night in my timezone, I can see it the next day.

          I have no problem with PT scheduling the recitals at the same time as PW. I realize there is a limited pool of performers. We can promote them on both sites and let people get used to the newer PT way of doing things. We can certainly encourage performers to submit to both. This will probably mean that PW will slowly fade away as there is more participation at PT. Maybe? If PT is successful? Anyway, I am committed to keeping PW going as long as there is interest. But if PT is successful and has a good future I would like to phase out on PW. But not anytime soon...

          You do need a template of some kind for people to follow when they make their submission. Navin's example above looks good. Otherwise people will forget to tell us what they are playing! And having more info is always better - why you played this piece, what it means to you, what difficulties you had - it gives the commenters something a starting point when making their comments.

          Come up with a comment policy. For the ABF recitals, the performer can choose what level of comment they want:

          • No Comments Please!
          • Polite Comments only: no suggestions for improvement please.
          • General Comments only: Polite, supportive, suggestions for improvement.
          • Critical Comments: Anything goes!

          This can eliminate a lot of hurt feelings. If you ask for critical comments then you can't complain if you get some. On the other hand, if you do not want to hear critical comments, you can clearly specify something else, and hopefully the commenters will abide by your wishes.

          I also hope there is someway to include a lowest common denominator for the recordings. Not everyone can make a video, or even wants to, so audio files should be allowed. I see you included one in your screenshot? Not clear to me.

          The recordings are going to be stored somewhere else, and subject to being deleted. I suggest that you ask the performers to please keep their recordings or videos "live" for at least a month so that commenters have time to listen and comment. After that the recitals will probably accumulate dead links. But that's OK, more like a live recital, which is just a memory after it is over.

          Good luck! I will participate!

          Hey all,

          Now that we have Sam's input, I think we have enough to get started with recitals on PT.

          PianoTell Recital #1 can run concurrently with Piano World Recital #75. Performers can submit their performances to both recitals as they prefer. I would suggest we open up for submissions at least 1 day before PW to work out any kinks.

          However, we are missing something... someone to lead the recital. Who wants to volunteer or nominate someone for this? Don't worry, I've already checked with Sam and he's happy to have someone else lead the PT recitals.

          What does leading the recital mean? Well, part of the role is to define exactly that. You'll own this completely (with everyone's support, of course) and you'll get to put your personal stamp on this. I will help put together an initial HOWTO for the recitals then give you ownership.

          You can read this here for a historical overview:

          When I first participated, I had several questions and Sam was always supportive and reassuring. He was always inclusive. I asked if I could submit something I had already recorded and the answer was yes! Even though I had shared the performance on PW previously, the recital experience was very fulfilling. I got lots of constructive and encouraging feedback... more than I'd ever gotten in any other venue. It was something else altogether! Not to mention, I was highly motivated to watch everyone else's performances and learned a lot from them – including discovering new compositions to learn myself.

          From what I've seen, Sam informs everyone of an incoming recital at least 4 weeks in advance and motivates everyone to polish up their pieces. Two weeks before the recital, Sam opens up for submissions. During this period, Sam keeps an eye on submissions and updates everyone with a running tally while still encouraging folks to join. Finally, he publishes the recital, creates a discussion thread and it's off to the races.

          I'd recommend you reach out to Sam for advice and to consult. In my experience he has always been willing to help.

          So... who's interested? 🙂

          We can give it a few days to hear opinions and feedback.

          P.S. As a perk, you will get to choose your new Lead flair. Green ?

          If no one else wants to step up, I'd be quite, quite happy to work with you, Pallas 😃 Of course if one of the more seasoned participants wants to do it, that's perfectly alright with me. It might have an advantage to have two leaders (I suggest we rephrase that, I do NOT want to be a leader lol) coordinators that if one is not available, the other can take over. And it would likely lighten the load. We can be the Recital Coordinators 😃

          Of course, if navrinda and Sam (and the forum participants) would have us 🙂

          Pallas Thank you!

          There would not be any website/programming involved, I would own that part of it and provide support.

          @Sophia already did reach out to me and I personally think she would make an excellent choice for cat herder Recital Coordinator. I would definitely support someone coming in new with a fresh perspective while building on the historical learnings from PW. 🙂

          It would be great if you both could discuss it privately and see if you'd like to co-own and how you'd do it. Then once you confirm whether it'll be one or the both of you, I'm all for making it official unless someone has valid objections. 🙂

          This is the start of something great! 🎶

          We already did and agreed we'd love to work together on this. Under supervision of Sam at first. I would imagine 😊

            12 days later

            navindra Shall we run the next Quarterly recital in parallel with ABF on PW? We might start with duplicate submissions on PW and PT and see how it all works out.

            keff navindra In parallel on the same dates as PW or alternative dates (say in anti-phase) ?

            It was always a bummer in PW, there was no place for Christmas songs. November recital is too early, and February is way too late.

            My take for the quarterly recitals is to go one month later than PW:
            Mar, 1st - 15th
            Jun, 1st - 15th
            Sep, 1st - 15th
            Dec, 1st - 15th

            And for the themed recitals, use the 2nd half of the month:
            Jan, 15th - 31th
            Apr, 15th - 30th
            Jul, 15th - 31th
            Oct, 15th - 31th

            This schedule gives always 11/2 month time for practicing between the recitals.

            The downside of have an anti-phase to PW, it gets chaotic. It is no fun to post the same thing again, but 2/4 weeks later in the other forum. All the people have seen it already, and the comments/congratulations will be very rare, not to say disappointing. If it is for me, I would change the schedule in PW, too.

            AFAIK, the proposal of having the 2nd half of the month was already in PW, but @Sam declined it because it didn't fit into a good time slot for him. Somehow he arranged with his environment to have time on the 1st of the month and this couldn't easy changed. Sam, please correct me if I am babbling nonsense, here.

            • Sam replied to this.

              WieWaldi I don't remember any discussion about the second half of the month for the Themed Recitals - I don't think that ever happened. I started the themed recitals small - only occasionally - and they were scheduled by whoever wanted to be the admin - we had several at one time. Later they expanded to 4 a year and I became the only admin after Monica passed away.

              In my opinion, Adult Learners or Beginners or Restarters (or whatever we are naming us now) do not have the ability to prepare pieces for 16 recitals. Eight recitals at Piano World is pushing it - very few people actually participate in all 8. It doesn't matter that we state that a piece doesn't have to be polished or perfect, that it is just a snapshot of where you are - that is not how people look at it. they want to be as good as possible, which is understandable, and do not like presenting something that is not "ready".

              So 16 recitals in one year? If I participate here, it would be the same pieces that I just played at Piano World. My advice for PianoTell is that you start slowly - just quarterly recitals - then if things work out, add more.

              The schedule at PianoWorld is not going to change. Many people just show up for the recitals, and wouldn't get the message until too late.

              The bottom line is that PT needs to do it's own thing - try to reach some consensus of opinion on the schedule, the format, the content, the comments, and so on and so forth. If PT recitals are successful, they will probably kill off the PW recitals eventually, or at least suppress the participation. But it is what it is...

                Sam Ok, then my brain is playing tricks on me about a 2nd half of month discussion. Or maybe there was a discussion to generally about a shift of the dates. Anyway ,

                Sam The schedule at PianoWorld is not going to change.

                is what it is. And maybe this is what I remember from an old PW thread.

                Sam Learners or Beginners or Restarters <...> do not have the ability to prepare pieces for 16 recitals. Eight recitals at Piano World is pushing it - very few people actually participate in all 8.

                This is a valid point. IMO, if both recitals are held at an anti-phase, 2 things can (and will) happen:

                1. Some are submitting the exact same recording in both forums with a time-gap of 4 weeks. The later submission will get no attention anymore. This leads to frustration, and to point 2.
                2. Some are only submitting in one forum, which would shrink the number of participating people even further. At least if you look at the numbers of a single forum.

                Then let's look forward and see if and how the "PW-recital clone" works - from a technical perspective. I am very curious how participants manage to do without the recital upload-software. Maybe some people need help to upload a mp3-file to a platform like SoundCloud.