Welcome to the Total BeginnerTM grade. Har Har Har!
Don't worry if this wasn't as perfect as the other ones, but with those two cute kittens it is for sure hard to stay focused. Btw: is it just my impression, the kittens became cats now, they grew a lot and look way stronger and heavier than in your earlier videos.
Back to the music - I always enjoy those lookback tuesdays. Not that long ago I played exactly the same lesson than you today, and mine wasn't that smooth, too. It is so nice to have a fellow total beginner on my side. In another thread I stated my wish for this year is to reach the early beginner grade. A bit unrealistic, I know. Then I added I would be happy to become an absolute beginner in 2025. Now my only wish is to reach the absolute beginner grade before you do.
Anyway - have fun with the Easy Blues Piano course!!! And congrats to your new grade. It sounds so much more pro when you tell people, you are a total beginner instead of a bloody beginner. ^_^