Wow, thank you so much! <scribbles notes> Very useful! Of course at this stage I'm still trying to lick the most basic of licks, but I think I can definitely try shortcut 5 already
Ok, and maybe shortcut 1, if I had the tiniest inkling of what "mixolydian" means (yes, I'll look that up, I promise).
Beginners blues/boogie/rock discussion
Sophia Mixolydian mode is just the scale that is a major scale (CDEFGABC) but flats the 7 (CDEGABbC) to accommodate the dominant 7th chord. C E G Bb makes up the 7th chord. Over a 7th chord, you can hit pretty much any of those notes in the scale/mode and it will sound ok, which is what a lot of beginners do to get their ears opened to those sounds.
Also, just for fun, if you want to play around with those scale/mode notes, your left hand doesn't have to cover every note in the chord, just the root and the 7th, C Bb, that way you're free to color in the missing notes with what you play in your right hand.
Lesson 4... I included each lick and managed (I think) to put it in the blues progression format. Of course I could lie and say that the complete mess up at the end happened because I got distracted... but... nah. That would definitely be a lie. The truth is that I'm truly that bad still
Sophia That is NOT bad. You're feel is good, and good timing, right on the beat.
And your cat was right on the beat, too. I laughed out loud. Cool cat. Keep at it. Take it slow. Accuracy will translate to muscle memory connected to your ears, so when you think something, your fingers will just go there. And, before you know it, you'll have sunglasses and a beret, or fedora, or whatever cool hat fits your style.
Sophia Yeah! Go bluesy! Perfect 12 bars with some finest licks. U got it. Looks like you enjoy the fun part with the do da da da da da da da do da da da da da da da.
Next clip is on me... then... I guess... ... well...
(You and your pace. You are putting a lot of pressure on me, do you know that?)
Btw, how many cats do you have, and what are their names? I just know there are Sandy, and Lionel, but I can't tell them apart. They look too similar. Siblings, twins?
WieWaldi Next clip is on me... then... I guess... ... well...
Well of course... You're late already. Get practising you! That said I just had a peek at lesson five - introducing SIXTHs? Should I start shivering???
WieWaldi Btw, how many cats do you have, and what are their names? I just know there are Sandy, and Lionel, but I can't tell them apart. They look too similar. Siblings, twins?
Ah, those cats We have three Abyssinians. The oldest is Simba, he is 11. How he got his name is a looong story so I'll spare you the details. No relationship with the Lion King
He's the one who managed to jump up on the keys right at the beat, he's a smart cat!
And yes, the two kittens are Lionel and Sandy. They are a almost 8 months old now. After we lost two cats quite suddenly and in short sequence this January, we got two kittens. They are indeed from the same litter. How they got their names is just as long a story
TC3 Sometimes I sit and think a bit before I start playing and remind myself of some licks and other ideas I want to use while I play.
Oh, I meant to say that this advice helped me put the 12 correct left hand bars in. I cheated a little and determined beforehand which lick was going to fit with the bar. All the advice I'm getting in this thread from everyone is really helpful!
Sophia Well of course... You're late already. Get practising you! That said I just had a peek at lesson five - introducing SIXTHs? Should I start shivering???
Thanks. No pressure then.
Sixths are easy. They are just inverted thirds.
I know it is confusing, because 6+3=9, but octave means 8. And the truth is, it has only 7 notes.
But seriously for just a second... I'm so very, very happy that we can joke around like this. I don't miss being told nonstop how we're just stupid adults who don't learn properly and rush ahead and doing it all wrong whatever we do.
Learning piano is supposed to be fun and it finally is. Thanks for the giggle
- Edited
Ahhhhhhhhhh swoooonnnn, That's exactly MY kind of music!!! Small combo, calm and soothing melodies, and a kitty guitar with matching paw print! I could listen to that for hours! My dad had a mixer just like that btw.
It's a shame so many jazz musicians seem to want to cram in as many notes as possible... Although I admire the skills, I can't listen to such for more than a minute really. I find the type of music you play so much more enjoyable!
Edit: wait, you BUILT that guitar?! That's incredible, my husband once built his own guitar (acoustic) so I'll show him your creation. He still has the original design cut out in plywood. I'm sure he'll be fascinated!
Sophia Thanks. Glad you like it. I was once one of those "crammers" when I was young. I guess getting old has its pluses. Jazz is sometimes complicated, in the sense that some musicians play to the audience, which may, or may not, be comprised of aficionados, who expect pyrotechnics. Other players feel the need to push the limits with the other players, self-indulgent as it may be, which the audience might also find entertaining. John Coltrane got so far out, his band left him. I find Bill Evans, (my favorite pianist), solo and with a group, the perfect blend of taste and prowess
What mixer? The "amplifier" used on the recording is a virtual one, of many, found in GarageBand.
PianoMonk What mixer? The "amplifier" used on the recording is a virtual one, of many, found in GarageBand.
Whoops, that goes to show how much I know Yes, he had an amplifier that looked just like that... but it wasn't virtual, he carried it around on his performances. Then again I assume that that doesn't say much - I assume they all have knobs and dials and holes where you can stuff cables and mikes in
I guess you're right, I honestly don't remember! It's been... well... quite a few decades ago
Nightowl Ok, maybe I'm the odd man out here, regarding this video, and this type of piano playing.
I'm easily bored with three chords. Maybe from years of fronting my blues band, or the few months I played lead guitar in a traditional country band, (three chords and the truth, not modern country, which isn't really country). At least with blues and country, you have melody and lyrics to add depth and variety, and to tell a story.
To me, the players in this video are good at what they do, but I'm not impressed by what they do. The fact that they can chat and goof around while playing, demonstrates that it's mostly muscle memory; like knowing where the bathroom light switch is in a house you've lived in for a while. I don't find this to be very musical, or even interesting, with those left hand calisthenics, and the right hand choosing from a cliched bag of tricks, root+7, 3rd+octave, 5th+octave, dom7 chords and their inversions, mechanical runs using dom7 scale, blues scale, and pentatonic, and all of the interchangeable bits and phrases, over and over. No dynamics, no melodic development, same tempo, for the entire video, and more of the same on Ladyva's other YT clips. I think this type of piano playing would easily be replicated by Artificial Intelligence, perhaps even improved upon.
If I built my career on playing this type of music, I'd probably go mad. Be careful what you wish for.