Sophia You are talling about this 12-bar blues progression, right?
C7 C7 C7 C7
F7 F7 C7 C7
G7 F7 C7 C7
I messed up the 12 bar form often, while my brain was busy with the lick on the RH. So I practiced everything on F7 until I got bored. Then I added the 12-bar progressoin and did make some mistakes with the licks again. Yes going from C to F or G and back with left hand requires some brain capacity. And this brain was then missing for the lick hand. Sounds stupid, but it is what it is.
I remember, I often missed the right time for the change with the left hand. Who cares - call it right hand lick training. The more you do the 12 bar progression right, the more this becomes 2nd nature, and the less you have to think about it. You will hear when to change the chord. So the right answer is:
OrIt is just something you will "feel"eventually?!
You will also find out, some licks (in later lessons) are only working on F7 or on G7-F7, but I am sure until those licks are on your sheet, you are fine with it and you will have this 12-bar feel.
Btw, if you are doing this:
C7 C7 C7 C7
F7 F7 C7 C7
G7 G7 C7 C7
you are already have one foot in the boogie woogie door.