11 days only? And then with Alfred's AND submitting to the recital? Impressive, if you ask me. You can give yourself a big tap on the back.
About the sloppiness: it was basically just the slide uncontrolled, but if you are saying it was hot
, and you are sweating
, and the keys get slippery (or maybe sticky) it just doesn't work. I had the exact same issue a few days, and even if I concentrated to slide properly, it didn't work out. My best results were using the fingernail on the black keys - but don't get used to that technique. Never. 
And old topic about staying in staccato with LH:
Your recording is the same, as mine was back then. The LH black keys perfectly staccato, until RH needed to play legato at the same time. And sometimes you made the RH staccato together with LH. (This I didn't do, because nobody told me to pay attention to LH staccato, haha. @TC3 spoiled me after listening to my recording.

Next is mine... Got 7 out of 8 lines. But I must get my recital piece recorded, first.