Ok, here's another one. I think it's a better version: slower, less mechanical, a little smoother.(open for any critique in case it isn't!)

    Thank you πŸ˜ƒ And remember: πŸ¦₯ and πŸ₯” are very musical together!

      Sophia Seriously, this πŸ‘† doesn't look like good pianists making any progress.

      Nope, but it looks like fun loving friends who are having a good time. Sometimes people seem to forget that playing piano doesn't have to be all work and no PLAY 🀣

      I am at my parents place without a piano right now. No sheet music, only Youtube. But I watched lesson 3 and managed to get line 1 out of 9 veeeeeeeeery slooooowly going on a cheap keyboard. Only 8 more lines to follow + making it sound good + going faster + becoming fluent + no mistakes anymore.
      Hey, I am on track! πŸš‚ Couldn't be better!😎

      I really enjoy Fuchs and have learned some great things from his lessons so far. One thing I will say that has been game changing in my jazz studies which I also apply to any other musical genres that I get excited to study (too many!), make sure to explore the history and the vocabulary of all of the greats that influenced Fuchs. Find some OG players you truly love and spend some time copping their licks and most importantly their swing/time feel. It can be a lot of work to put in the time to transcribe when it’s not handed to us in such an easily digestible way as great teachers like Fuchs but it can be extremely rewarding to go to the source and dig deep to find our own voice.

      Thanks for continuing to post your progress as it inspires me to stay the course when it’s too easy to get distracted by all of the rabbit holes we can go down these days. πŸ™‚

      11 days later

      Whew, lesson 8 was a long one! I recorded it today but it's not flawless. In fact, it fails miserably towards the end. I have two excuses πŸ˜ƒ

      First, it's soooo very hot and (truth!) the keys were getting a bit slippery. And second, the kittens started a fight with Simba right under my nose and I got distracted. I know, not much of an excuse and if you all tell me to do it again because it's garbage, I will πŸ™‚ But if it's okay (for a lesson), I'll move on to lesson 9...

      11 days only? And then with Alfred's AND submitting to the recital? Impressive, if you ask me. You can give yourself a big tap on the back.

      About the sloppiness: it was basically just the slide uncontrolled, but if you are saying it was hot , and you are sweating, and the keys get slippery (or maybe sticky) it just doesn't work. I had the exact same issue a few days, and even if I concentrated to slide properly, it didn't work out. My best results were using the fingernail on the black keys - but don't get used to that technique. Never.

      And old topic about staying in staccato with LH:
      Your recording is the same, as mine was back then. The LH black keys perfectly staccato, until RH needed to play legato at the same time. And sometimes you made the RH staccato together with LH. (This I didn't do, because nobody told me to pay attention to LH staccato, haha. @TC3 spoiled me after listening to my recording. )

      Next is mine... Got 7 out of 8 lines. But I must get my recital piece recorded, first.

        WieWaldi The LH black keys perfectly staccato, until RH needed to play legato at the same time. And sometimes you made the RH staccato together with LH

        Thank you!!! So how did you overcome that issue? Practice, Practice and practice some more? Or can you share a secret to a learning shortcut?

        And although it was hot πŸ₯΅ and the keys were slippery πŸ˜“ I don't think that was the reason of the sloppy fingers 🀟 I just need more practice there too 😼

          Sophia So how did you overcome that issue?

          Who said I did overcome that issue? Sometimes it works, sometimes not. But I must admit, it got a bit better. And yes: Practice, Practice and practice some more!

          I was afraid you'd say that, lol! We're living 50 years too early... by then we can just download those skills directly to our brain πŸ€ͺ

            Sophia Good we are living today. If I could download whatever I want into my brain....

            The stuff of the Easy Blues Piano lesson 3 sound so smooth, so lush, so bluesy. I really thought: Cool: this isn't beginner stuff anymore. Now I am at least at intermediate level, if not early advanced!

            And then this:

            Beginner stuff - in slow?

            Whaaaa he sure knows how to shatter our dreams!!! I know that feeling exactly - it has happened to me a lot too. You think you are so advanced...it sounds so smooth and sophisticated in your own mind. Now you truly made it! And then some advanced player pats you on the head and says "keep practicing and someday it may sound a little better"...
            NOT FAIR!

            I guess we have to accept we are eternal bloody beginners... at least now we can relax

            "eternal" nice term. πŸ‘
            Ok, my new official list goes like this:

            eternal beginner
            extended beginner
            prolonged beginner
            real beginner
            true beginner
            early beginner
            absolute beginner
            total beginner <----------------- I am here !
            bloody beginner

            I can't wait to be a total beginner! I will promote myself once I have finished the bloody beginner's course - three more lesson to go. But I think they are even longer than lesson 8... he is ramping it up quite a bit. And I really have to give Alfred some love because I spent too much time fiddling around with blues lately πŸ˜ƒ

            Well I haven't even started lesson 9 yet and I have a question already. Christian shows this fingering:

            He also said if it is too much stretch, to use thumb and little finger instead.

            It seems my hand is big enough to make it, but it's not very comfortable.

            So my question: should I persevere and keep the uncomfortable stretch? Or go easy and use the thumb instead?

            • TC3 replied to this.
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              Sophia I'll go back and review the video, but I use that fingering when I'm soloing and using that top note as a drone note and play other blues scales notes under it.

              Enthusiastic but mediocre amateur.