As a child I was fascinated by pianos. My parents bought an upright for our family when I was seven and enrolled me in piano lessons. I took lessons until I was 16. I enjoyed playing but I wasn't particularly talented and I didn't practice enough to get to an advanced level.
After I graduated from college and rented a house, my mom gave me the upright and I started playing more seriously. I worked on mostly Joplin pieces for about a year before concluding I needed professional help. I took lessons for eight years as a young adult and practiced consistently with a very good teacher. I was able to compensate for my lack of talent with hard work and discipline and with my teacher's help was able to play some advanced pieces. With the encouragement of my teacher I upgraded from the upright to the 1951 Steinway M that I still have today.
When my second kid was born in 1999 I stopped taking lessons because I didn't have as much time to practice anymore. Over the next 20 years I continued to play some of my old pieces, and occasionally learned a new one on my own. For several months I would practice almost daily, especially when learning a new piece. Then I would go for months playing only once a week or even less.
When COVID hit I returned to playing the piano in earnest. Frustrated by how long it takes me to learn a new piece from sheet music I started working on improvisation. When I was taking lessons I played scales but only reluctantly. Now that I was improvising I was super motivated and worked on all the major and minor scales and their chords, with the goal of being able to improvise in all the keys. This is still a work in progress.
As I was playing more I noticed that my aging piano needed work. I had my technician regulate and voice it which helped, but he told me it needed to be restrung. I found pianoworld when doing internet research about state of the art of digital pianos versus restringing an old piano. I was fascinated by the "Kawai Novus NV10 - Hands On" thread and was extremely impressed by Gombessa's contributions there.
In 2021 I sent my piano across the country for restringing, new action parts/hammers/etc., and refinishing. When it came back and settled down it was better than it ever had been before. It is a joy to play and I am super happy with it!
I lurked on pianoworld for over a year before joining in 2022. I have greatly enjoyed participating in the recitals there and I hope those recitals continue, either over on pianoworld or here if we have to move them.
I continue to work on improvisation and after four years I have made good progress. I also still play from sheet music, and in fact for about a year I have incorporated sight reading into my daily practice schedule. Historically I have been a terrible sight reader but with the daily practice I've made good progress and I'm motivated to continue.
At this point I've been playing piano on and off for 50 years. With piano, nothing comes easily to me. I continue to compensate for my lack of talent with hard work and discipline. But I love it! The fact that I have to work so hard makes it really rewarding when all the work pays off and it comes together!