Sam Most professionals I know do not judge the amateurs that they know.
Sam, I agree. I think professional musicians are probably more sympathetic listeners actually. With my comment above, I wasn't thinking so much about professionals, but rather non-musicians. I think if people (in general) were used to hearing music made by non-professionals, then they also would be sympathetic listeners. But what I meant was, most people rarely listen to live music -- they listen mostly to recorded music (by professionals). Or they listen to YouTubers and Tik Tockers who are amateurs in theory but make music at a professional level.
So, perhaps without even realizing it, expectations are higher.... Probably not all people are like this, but if "casual playing" were common the way it used to be in the past, and people had more experience listening to music making that wasn't at a professional level, then I think there would be less pressure to be perfect.