Allow me to third this sentiment. All we can wish for and ask for is hope - and we do.
Happy New Year everyone.
Allow me to third this sentiment. All we can wish for and ask for is hope - and we do.
Happy New Year everyone.
Just finished my final piano practice of 2024. Now I am ready for 2025.
Happy New Year Everyone!
Happy New Year
All round average Jazz, Blues & Rock player.
Currently working towards ABRSM grade 8.
I just visited Piano World to listen to San's recital page and found No Ads. It was like a retrospect of the site a year ago. Should you ever visit and find no ads, please spread the word.
For the record, I experienced ads aplenty up to the last time I viewed the site. Also, I use an Apple machine and Sierra browser.
Talk about resolutions in a Major Key!
May your year be happy, loving and filled with music!
Wishing everyone a musical 2025.
New Year's Eve fireworks from Niagara Falls, Canada...
Happy New Year Dear Piano Friends!!
Lente There are multiple fixes to piano world ads that take about 5 minutes to set up and posted on piano world when the ad situation changed.