Thanks for starting this thread! I have a problem where I start too many pieces in too short a span of time and now I currently have more than a dozen pieces in various states of mastery, which then leaves me with no time for practicing improvisation, arrangement or quick sight-reading. I amassed a huge collection of intermediate sheet music from lots of different sources over the past couple of years and I am now experiencing some anxiety about not having enough time to play it all... Fortunately, only a couple of these dozen pieces are so-called "stretch" pieces; most are at my level, and a few are quick studies.
- "Footsteps in the Snow" by Angeline Bell
- Aria in D minor, K. 32 by Domenico Scarlatti
- Minuet in Bb major, BWV Anh. 118 by Johann Sebastian Bach (attr.)
- Minuet in D minor, BWV Anh. 132 by Johann Sebastian Bach (attr.)
- March in D major, BWV Anh. 122 by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (attr.)
- "Once Upon a Frozen Winter" by Heather Hammond
- "Pleading the Fifth" by Chilly Gonzales - this one was supposed to be a quick study, but it almost wasn't, because playing even fifths pianissimo was way harder than I thought it would be.
I have 3 other pieces that just need some polishing before I'm satisfied, and the rest are still in progress. My piano teacher went on a monthlong hiatus to go adjudicate a competition halfway across the world, so I was thinking of using the next month to dedicate more time to improv/arrangement/sight-reading because those aren't at all a part of my formal piano lessons.