I had such a flying start! But then, life happened. However, I can now add two more pieces to my list. One of the pieces is actually not a piece but a book: Piano Adventures' Technique and Artistry 1. Every single one of the pieces is too easy to add to the list, but I learned them all and I count this as one piece. It is a book that I for a long time considered buying. I never did that, and I am glad, because now that a friend lent it to me, I am a bit disappointed. I think they could have added some more technical principles.
The quick study piece (Lollipop's waltz) that I add is rather horrendous. But I learned it at last.
- J.S. Bach - Arioso from cantata 156 (lesson piece)
- John Thompson - Hide and seek (quick study)
- Erik Satie - Petite prélude à la journée (quick study)
- J.C. Bach - Prelude in A minor (quick study)
- Andrew Lloyd Webber - Memory, from Cats (quick study)
- Sarah Konecsni - Bells in the mist (quick study)
- Edward MacDowell - To a wild rose (lesson piece; see our 3rd recital)
- Linda Niamath - Lollipop's waltz (quick study)
- Piano Adventures' Technique and Artistry 1
... feeling like the pianist on the Titanic ...