This project needs a name PACT is already taken, but what about 40 Pieces of Silver? 40P Club? Piano Forte?
New Year, New Approach - 40 Pieces Challenge 2025
Oooh I hope not, because that would basically mean I'd be FORCED to join!
I'm in. Even though my main focus is pieces at my grade level, I like to always have a quick study to going. They are my only hope to play my way through all the piano music I've acquired over the years. I'm almost out of grade 1 pieces but have around 25 books with one or more grade 2 pieces.
WieWaldi I strongly vote to count an advanced piece as more pieces with a simple rule: Each movement section/part/chorus/whatever counts as a single piece. This does not address easy vs difficult, but it addresses short vs long. About the difficulty level, this challenge is to master 40 pieces in a year, meaning you must do whatever is easy enough for you to reach 40. Remember - the concept behind this this challenge is based upon the "surprising power of quantity" [see link in original post].
I like that idea, it's a way of tweaking things so that people who are playing more advanced pieces can credit themselves for tackling longer, complex pieces. For instance, a Chopin piece might easily be 3 or 4 times more difficult than a piece from Alfred's book 1, so could justifiably count as 3 or 4 pieces for the purpose of this challenge.
@BartK I see the reasons why you recommend sticking to the original rationale of the concept to gain the maximum benefits, but I can also see why people might like to adapt the concept to suit their own playing level/preferred practice methods - it's rarely the case that "one size fits all".
I think it's fine to adjust the target number down a little, to take personal circumstances/difficulty factors into account. Maybe I should change the thread title to read "40(ish) Pieces" or "30-40 Pieces"?
@Animisha If you prefer to work on stretch pieces I can see why it might be hard to reach the target of 40 (easy) pieces a year in addition to those stretch pieces. Perhaps you could set your own personal target lower - how about 25 a year? Is it doable to play one easy piece over the course of 2 weeks, as well as your other pieces? The easy pieces might be a refreshing break from the stretch pieces.
"Don't let's ask for the moon, we have the stars." (Final line from Now,Voyager, 1942)
Gooseberry But I would like to make sure that we are free to define by ourselves what we consider as βa pieceβ and to what degree the piece should be βlearnedβ.
Of course - tweak the concept in whatever way works best for you. Be as fluid or rigid in how you define a piece, and how far you polish it, as you want to. Jot down the names of pieces as you complete them, or record every minutia of the process in a mega complex spreadsheet - whatever floats your boat!
Sophia I can see where you're coming from, because you are already juggling many things at once, so might not have time to do this as well. Anyway, whatever you're doing is clearly working for you. This is just my way to move forward, but if I find I'm floundering, there is always the option to buy A's book 3.
"Don't let's ask for the moon, we have the stars." (Final line from Now,Voyager, 1942)
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No way could I do 40 Level 3 pieces in a year. I'll be lucky to do 12. But I might be able to use a lower level sight-reading book like A Dozen A Day to do one piece per week, which was going to be one of my goals for 2025. But I won't be able to record them until I get my data storage situation sorted out. My file management is a mess, and another project for 2025. Anyway. I'm a yes, but only if I can do one or two new LINES of music to count as a piece, such as one might find in an easy sight reading book.>
Do whatever works for you Pallas, no set rules here, just adapt the basic idea to suit you. I won't be recording every piece - that would drive me nuts! I will just record my favourite pieces, and note down the titles on this thread at the end of each month.
"Don't let's ask for the moon, we have the stars." (Final line from Now,Voyager, 1942)
Nightowl I won't be recording every piece
Nope, me neither.
I will write down the piece titles... Hmm, maybe I'll make a form that shows title, date started, date finsihed (or date at which I decide to move on?) and maybe like a general comments column....
I'm trying to think of what would be helpful to know... Oh, maybe the length of the piece (or number of measures). And my own internal ranking of its difficulty?
Hmmm what do you all think about that? What kind of info would be helpful?
ShiroKuro I had the feeling you might go down that route... I can picture you drawing up a mega spreadsheet as we speak! Meanwhile, I'll be scribbling the titles on any random scrap of paper I can find, probably using one of my coloured gel pens that I bought for doing crosswords.
Maybe I will start a new thread before New Year, where people can post their monthly updates. I could include a link to this thread so people can read all the suggestions and adopt whichever approach suits them, but the new thread would be the place to log our progress.
"Don't let's ask for the moon, we have the stars." (Final line from Now,Voyager, 1942)
(Roman, 10 less than 50)
ShiroKuro I will write down the piece titles... Hmm, maybe I'll make a form that shows title, date started, date finsihed (or date at which I decide to move on?) and maybe like a general comments column....
In the monetised forum, people would write lists that they published, and regularly add to their list, making clear which pieces were new ones. I liked it very much because I could see who played more or less at the same level as I did, and I listened to their pieces and got inspired.
... feeling like the pianist on the Titanic ...
Hmmm... The Motly Club sounds nicer than 40PAYC or PACT XL, even though I don't know if I will play more pieces each year.
Should we vote about the name?
And then in January start a new thread in which we tell how it is going, and which pieces we have played?
... feeling like the pianist on the Titanic ...
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I like the name MOTLY Crew. For those non-English speakers who might not get the reference:
That describes us perfectly.
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Please vote! Copy the list and put your name behind the one you vote for. If I forgot a suggestion, please add it to the list.
Motly Crew -
Motly Club -
MOTLYchallenge -
40 Pieces of Silver -
40PAYC -
40P Club -
Piano Forte -
... feeling like the pianist on the Titanic ...