@Animisha I am so jealous! I would love to be able to have two practice sessions per day, one in the morning and one in the evening. As long as I’m working though, that seems pretty hard to implement….
Although, I wonder if I could do it on weekends… hmmm interesting, I bet doing that even just twice a week would have a very positive impact. Then the question would be, how to design the sessions when I’m planning to do two…
The other question would be, (since I don’t have a digital) how much would it drive my husband crazy? 😅
In 25 years, he has never once complained about my piano practice (angel that he is) …. Fortunately, he has a studio in our new home, and when the door is closed there he can hardly hear me playing, or not at all if he’s doing something that makes even the slightest sound himself.
Maybe I can try the two sessions during winter break and see how it goes.
I love this forum! I would have never thought of doing two sessions per day because I would have never thought it was possible, but now, in the space of five minutes, I went from thinking it impossible, to thinking of it as only something I could do post-retirement, to thinking that, no, I could actually probably make it work right now, even if not daily.
The power of suggestion 🙂