navindra Thank you so much.

BicBic Interesting! It's clearly Scriabin, but I haven't heard a Scriabin piece this slow. I think it's in better shape than maybe you think. I like your phrasing and you apply rubato well. I personally would try and lighten the right hand when the left has the melody. But as it is, I enjoyed listening!

javiercorre K208: so warm and confident. I really like the trill at the end. K380: really beautiful. The time and effort you put into both sonatas really shows. How did the recital go?

    plop_symphony - The Midnight Ball - Great job on that! I tend to get obsessed over grade level, but the most rewarding sign of progress is what you expressed - where a piece comes together easily after being unable to play it in the past. You made that lively piece look effortless.

    Rubens From the first measures I knew my ears were in good hands. Your performance was rich, clear, and warm. I listened before reading your description, and felt the same thing you seem to have intended--great sudden despair, followed by hope. Thank you for sharing the piece and working so hard on it!

    Cratersmash Sounds like fun. The way you play is very exciting! Are you playing this for a performance? It's a lot to have memorized. You're understandably playing very percussive in the first section, but I'd like to hear more smoothness in melody. The second part is much nicer with the smoothness, but I'd prefer an even softer touch (easier said than done, I know). Allegro section: The whole thing sounds difficult. I hate playing repeated notes! The build-up to fff is a little too soon for my taste. In general, you're much better at playing fff than ppp (I was the same when I was younger) so I would work on the softer sections more. Thanks for sharing, I hope you participate more on this site!

    Thanks! I bought my digital piano on a whim, without knowing where it will lead me. I’m glad 10 months later I am still enjoying the journey. Having furry listeners is a must!

    Smaller battles are easier to win! And thanks to Faber for arranging study materials that way. One of the YT teachers I follow said something to the effect that it’s best to just love whatever piece on the music stand and try to play it as beautiful as one can. I take that advice to heart.

    Thank you for listening and your very kind words!

    ShiroKuro iternabe Very nicely played!And I love how you have the video set up!

    Thank you! I set the camera in a way to best show my wrist/hand/fingers to spot any problems (and it has!) So it’s a nice bonus that people seem to like the video end product, too. It’s in fact not difficult to setup at all with OBS software. I mounted all my camera permanently, so I can always record by simply pushing one button.

    rsl12 iternabe your sense of rhythm is really good! I'm curious what the first recording sounded like, because the liberties you took in this one were subtle (and nice).You sound very much in control, and it seems like you are very ready for the Level 2 books.


    In the first recording, every note was exactly on the beat. Also there was a lack of connection/flow between notes. It sounded percussive when I listened to it. So I paid more attention to the legato, and in the second phrase, I tightened the first measure just a little and lengthened the second measure’s long note to have some push and pull in rhythm. I am glad you feel the effect subtle - it felt more when I was playing, which seem to corroborate some forum post that sometimes one need to exaggerate to make the effect come out just right.

    rogerch iternabe — O mio babbino caro
    Well played! I like the way you emphasize the melody while keeping the accompaniment subdued. Nice ritard at the end!

    Thank you. Keeping the left hand soft is something “Let’s Play Piano Method” YT teacher always saying. It does not come natural for me. And I still find myself not doing it enough when listening to play back during practice.

    plop_symphony iternabe — O mio babbino caro

    Wow, that's a really nice piano sound. It seems like you're very good at controlling your touch.

    It’s Pianoteq’s Bösendorfer straight out of the box. I like the sound, too.

    When I started the companion book, I did not expect to play every piece in it. But then I quickly realized finishing method book one and being able to play level one pieces are not the same thing. The challenges in each short piece just pulled me in. I am really glad I learned them all.

    I have just started Faber’s Adult Piano Adventures All-in-One Book 2. The journey continues!

    Thanks! I am a fan of Faber’s arrangements, too!

    Sgisela I listened again to your Pianoworld Recital #71 recording, and I agree that this recording is better. I felt mystery, drama, and introspection.

    To me it almost sounds Latin, though I'm not sure why--it doesn't have characteristics I associate with any of the Latin jazz styles. But it has the drama of a Tango.

      I agree! To me it sounds a bit like a slow chacarera (an argentinian dance). The general atmosphere of the piece also reminds me of Danza de la moza donosa by Ginastera. Beautiful melancholic argentinian atmosphere. I hope you're not taking this too badly, @Sgisela 🥴.

        Rubens not at all. I was born in Puerto Rico (my mother is Puerto Rican) and spent formative years in Mexico, so I have a lot of affinity for things Latin American. I do try to play a good amount of Latin American music — I’m currently working on one of Lecuona’s Afrocuban dances. So perhaps I brought some of my sensibilities to the piece? Or perhaps I was attracted to it because of aspects in the writing that resonated with me?

        rsl12 Thanks for the comments and listening back to the older recording. One of the big differences was that I increased the tempo. This is clearly not supposed to be a fast piece, but when I listened back on the older recording, it just felt too slow and lacking in momentum. I do struggle a lot with using rubato. This is clearly a piece that ‘wants’ it, but I always worry about overdoing it.

        Anyways, I’m really glad that it has resonated with people here, and thanks for listening and responding!

        Thank you to everyone who listened to/watched my submission. To those who kindly commented -
        @Nightowl, @Sophia, @ShiroKuro, @WieWaldi, @Gooseberry, @Rob, @Sam, @rsl12, @TC3, @rogerch, @BicBic, @Rubens, @Pathbreaker, @lilypad - special thanks!

        And @navindra, EXTRA special thanks for making all of this possible. I awarded Sam a medal over on PianoWorld - you deserve one too! 🥇

        plop_symphony Wow, what a really fun piece! You made it sound really good and engaging. Great choice of instrument. I enjoyed this very much. Very sinister, almost Addams Family like! 👏

        ShiroKuro Wow, wow, wow! So beautiful! You had me within the first few seconds with those trills. What a build up and delivery! I might just have found a new favorite composer... to me almost reminiscent of Alexis Ffrench and Ludovico Einaudi.

        As an aside, that HDR video absolutely pops on my screen... it's really amazing that you can get such video and audio quality from a phone.

        And those trills near the end... to die for. And this is the first take? Bravo! 👏

        @navindra thank you for your kind words!! I agree, Takashi Kako works nicely with Ffrench and Einaudi.

        Re the iPhone, it’s interesting isn’t it! For the last PT recital, I just set the phone on the side of the music desk. But when I played in the recital a few weeks back, my husband recorded me from where he was sitting, and the sound quality was so much better. So I tried just putting the phone up on a shelf in the piano room, and it clearly captures more of the “room sound.”

        I have a hand held digital recorder, the Zoom H4 (if I’m remembering the model number right) but iPhone is so much more convenient, and the sound quality is about the same, so I doubt I’ll ever use the Zoom recorder again. 😅

        As promised in a recent post of mine in this thread, I would include my thoughts for the submissions that specifically stated in their comment policy, for constructive criticism [thus I omitted the ones that didn't specifically say so]. I'll preface by saying I was very impressed by this recital, so it's no surprise there's an overwhelming amount of kudos!

        If I missed anyone (for constructive comments), let me know and I'll provide you my feedback as well!

        iternabe — O mio babbino caro
        Very impressive for learning for only 10 months. The mechanics are solid and on a good trajectory. One area to consider is adding some slight tweaks in the rhythm. I think you aimed for that here, so keep that going!

        plop_symphony — The Midnight Ball
        Nice work especially with your dexterity. I noticed your posture seems a bit slouched. Hard to tell exactly, but I usually see folks leaning in more, versus back. While it's not entirely relevant to your performance, it's something to call out (in case there's more comfortable position! 😀)

        WieWaldi — Quick Five Blues
        There's a lot of soul in your playing. If you're comfortable, consider speeding up the playing, as that can add more fun and pizzazz!

        Sophia — A Classy Rag
        Good "communication" between your left and right hand! I think the left hand can be slightly softer/quieter, but otherwise, there seems to be a nice dynamic between the two. Reminds me of when people have good "conversations" between their LH and RH with Bach pieces.

        Rubens — Sonata no.2, Op.36 (1913), 2nd movement
        Nice playing, and you make that ES920 sound amazing. I'm struggling to think of any critical comment... maybe could add a very slight more reverb, as your playing is so full (in a good way), that allowing some of that richness to extend moreso can give it even more effect, for this very emotive piece.

        Cratersmash — Sonata No. 3 in A Minor
        Impressive playing. I don't know Prokofiev music much, though one suggestion I have is, the first chords you play can be slightly softer, as it sounds like it's pushing the volume to the max of the speakers. If this were recorded with an acoustic, my suggestion might be moot.

        TC3 — Worried Life Blues
        Bravo with this duet of piano and vocal. I think your vocal can add some reverb, so it'll distinguish itself from the piano tones. And feel free to scream/shout more in certain parts. This song seems to be suitable for that!

        @SalmonJack — Bliss Ten
        Very enjoyable, your composition. I recommend to hold certain chords longer, to let the effect last longer, e.g., at the 7:00'ish mark. Also, the boat ride is fun, just keep in mind for those who might have motion sickness watching it 🙂

        @rsl12 — I am the very model of a modern Major-General
        Splendid work on this. Your technique is quite solid. Feel free to add more silliness in the voice, which currently is great accompaniment, though you appear more relaxed with the hands and keys.

        @navindra — The Entertainer
        Nice work here. As you wanted feedback about the tuning and sound of the piano, I thought the tuning was fine, though the high C you were playing has that harsh brassy tone everytime it's being played. Perhaps some voicing on that string?

        Overall, I greatly enjoyed all the submissions! And it was hard to find much to critique about, so some of the nitpicky stuff I mention above is my best effort to provide something, anything 🙂

          HeartKeys Thank you!

          If we're thinking about the same thing, I think it was more like a unison ringing out. I didn't have a whole lot of time to optimize the tuning, I don't generally play forte, and here I was really banging it... with the cabinet fully open which I never do.

          However, I felt it was raw and real so I let it be. 😃

          I'm very sincere about requesting critical comments all up. Often I put a whole lot of time into a video and maybe get a like... which I'm very appreciative for, but it doesn't give me a whole lot to go on for improving and growing.

          Thanks for taking the time to listen and provide those comments! 🙂

          Schubertian2 Simply an astounding achievement. I'm floored.

          Everything was next level about this. Your Estonia piano sounded absolutely grandiose, your performance was pro level, and the music was mesmerizing! Incredible. 👏👏👏

          As an aside, the imagery was fantastic as well... the music really brought the still imagery to life. I'll show my ignorance here, but whose art work is that?

          Bravo on such dedication! This is truly inspiring.

          iternabe — O mio babbino caro
          I would say you're doing exceptionally well for such a short time playing. Nicely done!

          plop_symphony — The Midnight Ball
          Well done. You're progressing in your journey!

          WieWaldi — Quick Five Blues
          Kudos to your creative additional info. Pretty darn good playing!

          Sophia — A Classy Rag
          Good playing! You should be pleased with your progress.

          rogerch — Slow Steps
          More delightful playing from you. iv to I is a very satisfying resolution.

          Sam — The Never Finished Piece
          As I said on the other forum, I think it's finished. I think it sounds terrific. I like the resolution of your dissonances. I like the mood and the pacing. You've got a future! Quit the day job!

          MarieJ — Waltz in F minor
          As I said on the other forum, truly delightful. Gorgeous playing. Your video shows great imagination.

          Gooseberry — Pigalle
          Excellent! A magnificent piece. I listened several times.

          Rob — Lost
          Wow! Inspiring! So, so beautiful!

          BicBic — Prelude no.4 in E minor from Op 11
          I think this was very well played and your musicality worked for me. Great selection, too.