Okay, a few picked at random:
@Rubens - Sonata. A beautiful piece expertly played! I can hear what you mean about the moods of the piece. I’m also impressed with how nice that Kawaii sounds. Well done!
@Sam -Never Finished Piece. An interesting piece, thanks for sharing. I would be interested in hearing more about your creative process.
@Pathbreaker - Larghetto. Wow, for a “work in progress,” it sounded great to me. I imagine you want to spend more time on it for your own satisfaction, but I personally think it’s already audience-ready. Thanks for sharing!

Enthusiastic but mediocre amateur.

    Thanks for your comments. For my own satisfaction is a great way to put it.

    • TC3 likes this.

    Schubertian2 — Ballade 4

    That's a gorgeous ballad, what is not to like about Chopin. The time spent learning that was well worth it, wow, that last part must be sooo challenging to play and you pulled it off splendidly! Loved the imagery as well, so fitting to the delicate melodies. Thank you!

    WieWaldi — Quick Five Blues

    Ahhhh... WieWaldi... I always said you are five steps ahead of me, but I need to change my opinion four now. After listening to this three times, I had to change it two the simple fact that you will always be number ONE in blues! Well played!!! I can't wait to reach this lesson 😃

      Nightowl — What A Wonderful World

      What a wonderful and uplifting piece! I could just hear Louis Armstrong's voice when you played that... I'm also impressed that it is quite long - I don't think I have ever dared to tackle a piece that is longer than a minute and a bit 😆 You are making great progress Nightowl, especially considering that you did not have any prior experience with instruments or even music in general (no, one single session with a recorder doesn't count) 😂

      And the ending was absolutely adorable... petting your audience afterward... very fitting to the performance!

      Sophia I had worked on it a year ago, so it wasn't completely unfamiliar to me when I restarted on it this year. 😅

      Sophia — A Classy Rag
      Yeah - Ragtime! This is IMO one of the most difficult genres of all. This specific one might be one of the easier rags, whereas rag&easy is a contradiction by itself. I mean it is like a law of nature: There is no easy rag, (same as there is no easy Chopin). I always forget you are playing just since January, and then you pull a ragtime out of nothing. Flawlessly performed. Kudos!

      Sophia I always said you are five steps ahead of me, ...

      Haha, every step I make, you do two.
      I'm very sure, cause I'm watching you! 😊

      Congrats to all the participants! I'm skipping this recital and won't be posting any comments because I've been far too busy lately. I am, however, going to listen to all the PW and PT submissions.

      navindra — The Entertainer
      Let's continue with Ragtime! This one may be widely frowned upon some ragtime pianists, simply because it is overplayed. (I hope I didn't screw up grammar in this sentence😬) Still, The Entertainer has a very special place in my heart. It was the very first rag I ever heard in my life, thanks to M.Hamlish. And I never get bored of it. No, I would say, you never ever really played piano, if you didn't play The Entertainer at least once in your life. (Sorry Mozart, but it's true 🤪) You played it excellent, everything was on point.

      Navindra, congrats! Now you can say, you have played the piano - really!

      iternabe — O mio babbino caro
      I really love to follow your progress. You don't play any fancy things like many other self directed learners do. No, you are following a well tailored path, every piece gets a tiny bit more challenging than the last one, your steps aren't big. But you are making MANY of them! After just 9 months of playing, all this small steps summed up to huge distance.
      And because you really mastered every piece you've touched so far, there is no sloppyness. Everything in this piece was just perfect: dynamics, rubato, the mood, the entire interpretation just wonderful to listen to. Can't wait to hear what's coming next.

        iternabe — O mio babbino caro
        That was beautifully and fluidly played, you have made amazing progress in just 10 months. I love this gentle arrangement - in fact I prefer this to the original version!
        keff — Over the Rainbow
        A different take on a popular film classic, very well played.
        plop_symphony — The Midnight Ball
        A fun piece for Halloween, with suspenseful passages. You play very well.
        Schubertian2 — Ballade 4
        This is Chopin - so enough said, it's not for the faint hearted but you rose to the challenge and that was a stellar performance. Your lifetime of playing piano has not been wasted. The featured works of art were perfect to accompany this Chopin masterpiece.
        WieWaldi — Quick Five Blues
        I enjoyed listening to this selection from your Blues lesson pieces, you play in a very relaxed and confident manner. Ironically, this music made me feel far from blue - it's more like a cure for the blues. 🙂
        Nightowl — What A Wonderful World
        Having listened to some of the other submissions, the limits of my skill are painfully evident. In fact, my playing sounds so stilted here that I'm tempted to remove the video from YT, but that would be against the spirit of what the recital is about - players of all abilities putting their work forward in a safe space where they can receive feedback.
        Sophia — A Classy Rag
        That was very well played, with precision, confidence and flair - you nailed it! 😀 Your playing is in a different league to what would normally be expected after less than a year of playing (although I know you had previous attempts to learn piano, but even so this is something else). You never fail to impress me.
        rogerch — Slow Steps
        That was beautiful, melancholy and melodious. You are incredibly talented. I love your piano too, the colour of the wood is beautiful and it seems to have a very rich, mellow tone. After watching your performance I am full of envy and admiration, on so many levels.

        Well, that's enough for now. More comments later.

        "Don't let's ask for the moon, we have the stars." (Final line from Now,Voyager, 1942)

          rogerch You had in mind to use minor subdominants? Your thinking about improvisation is getting more sophisticated. Glad to hear more of your progress!

          Sam Love your use of inversions. The deceptive cadences continually surprised me! Hope your hip is doing better. What a chair!

          Rob First section flows so well. The middle section sounds like it's going to be a change of mood, but it returns quickly to the original theme. Loved it.

          TC3 I think this is my favorite recording of yours so far. Good arrangement--simple and varied. Your singing voice is also really good on this! It sounds relaxed and confident.

          diretonic I can see why you think it's a little busy in places, but I hope you don't tweak it too much because it sounds really good. I particularly like the way you juggle in the middle voice(s).

            keff — Over the Rainbow
            This piece was like a rollercoaster in my favourites list. When I heard this song the first time in my life, I absolutely hated this song. It was 1994, I was a teenager and Marusha made a remix of this long forgotten tune. Myself not a techno fan, this wasn't my thing.
            A few years later, I accidentally listened to the original version. Not sure if this was Judy Garland's version, or one the the many others similar to it. But I remembered both the title as the melody and instantly thought: I love it! How can somebody spoil such a beautiful song like Marusha did. Your Bar-Piano Jazz version is another thing, it is a very interesting arrangement with a few notes of the main theme in the beginning, a few lovely late-night notes following. And at around the 100 second mark, it dives deep into the original theme with some Jazz flavour. It was so wonderful to listen to. This piece is on my todo list, and I would be happy I could play the normal version. Your Jazz arrangement is somewhat harder, is it? You played it really wonderful, and I totally enjoyed your interpretation. Well done, well done!

            btw, just re-listened Marusha's version... I remember why I' didn't like it back then, but today it casts a big smile on my face! 🥰

              @TC3 I didn't expect the singing! Great and entertaining!

              And @rsl12, that song brings me back to the original Frasier series. Good job!

              I hereby declare TC3 and rsl12 as the twin peaks of piano+singing entertainment here.

                Rubens I hereby declare TC3 and rsl12 as the twin peaks of piano+singing entertainment here.

                I haven’t listened to either yet, but the fact that both feature such a happy, lovely smile tells me you are on to something!

                rsl12 Bravo Major General!

                  TC3 Bravo

                  • TC3 likes this.

                  thepianoplayer416 — When You Wish Upon a Star
                  That's a pretty piece, which is harder to play than it first seems. There were some slight irregularities with the tempo but it was nonetheless enjoyable.
                  Sam — The Never Finished Piece
                  That was a nice relaxing piece which could be used as the music score for a romantic drama series. Your experience shows and is paying dividends.
                  MarieJ — Waltz in F minor
                  I love a waltz and this one was no exception. Beautifully played and the artwork was great too.
                  Player1 — Ashokan Farewell
                  That's a lovely piece which I'd never heard before and it's just the kind of music I enjoy. There were some hesitations but you played with a delicate touch and I liked it very much.
                  Rubens — Sonata no.2, Op.36 (1913), 2nd movement
                  Another piece that was new to my ears, which you played very well. You captured the mysterious mood of this piece beautifully.
                  Cratersmash — Sonata No. 3 in A Minor
                  This piece is so complex that I'd not be able to play it in a million years. You played it well - impressive work.

                  "Don't let's ask for the moon, we have the stars." (Final line from Now,Voyager, 1942)

                    Congratulations everybody! What a great playlist for listening to in the next few days!
                    Also, thank you @navindra for all that you do – this forum with its recitals is one of the best things ever 😀

                    navindra I never tire of this tune, it’s so cheerful and energetic! I like your tempo and dynamic choices. And listening to your highly enjoyable playing has made me smile and want to jump and go to the piano and try to play it too!