I hope I have not left anyone out, in my comments. If so, my apologies.

Huge thanks to all who left comments on my submission.
They mean a lot, and spur me on to try to write more.

Also, a big thank you to all who contributed.
Such a wide variation of music was a feast for the eyes and ears!

Last, but not least, my thanks must go to Navindra, who made it all possible.πŸ™‚

Thanks to everyone who commented on my chopin ballade
Later on today I am going to start a thread "Chopin's fourth ballade and me"
Just some notes - a diary - of all my thoughts as I worked through this beast
I don't know if it will be of any interest to anyone - I just want to capture my thoughts

rsl12 - I am the very model of a modern Major-General - Impressive! The rapid singing reminds me of a Tom Lehrer performance where he sings the chemical elements. I would think remembering or even reading the lyrics at speed would be a lot more difficult than just singing the chemical elements . To play the piano part at the same time is pretty amazing. Bravo!

Thank you for listening and commenting on my piece earlier.

Player1 It's underneath the progress bar to the right of the play/pause button. Right there along with the change screen size stuff.

I figured it out... The toggle doesn't appear on mobile. It only appears on a PC, or if the mobile browser is switched to" desktop mode". Thanks for your help!

rogerch - Slow Steps - Very relaxing to listen to this. Like a gently flowing stream of (musical) consciousness. Thank you for sharing your improvisation.

Thank you also for listening and commenting on my piece earlier.

    @navindraβ€” The Entertainer. Nice! I really like the more laid-back tempo than one tends to hear on TV soundtracks, it's more historical accurate from what I understand. It's also a huge accomplishment to wrote up Alfred's book one, that's quite a stretch piece relative to the rest of the good. Well done!
    @javiercorreβ€” Sonatas K. 208 and K. 380. Very good! I love Scarlatti, he deserves even more attention than he gets. Coincidentally, I believe you're taking your exam today, as I write this. Please let us know how it goes!

    Hmmm, did I miss anyone? Oh yes: @TC3 ... Terrible! How embarrassing!!! πŸ˜ƒ

    Enthusiastic but mediocre amateur.

      OK, I think I got everyone, but if I missed you just let me know. Thanks to all who took the time to watch/listen/respond, I greatly appreciate it. And thanks most to @navindra for organizing! w00t!!!

      Enthusiastic but mediocre amateur.

      ShiroKuro What a nice piece! I'm sure the audience will love it. You have the rhythm challenges pretty well under your fingers. Even with small mistakes you made it flow nicely. Have you tried the piano at the retirement community? Sometimes those things aren't in the best shape. I wish you a lot of luck!

      Pathbreaker This is the first time I'm listening to Tailleferre. I really like it--it reminds me a little bit of Respighi's Notturno. A steady drip of eighth notes in the middle register is like a sound of nature. Around it the melody and bass sing and occasionally take off flying. It sounds challenging and I was moved by your performance. Sometimes the melody line is hard to hear over the eighth notes. But I understand it's a work in progress. I look forward to hearing your final result!

      navindra Nice dynamics. The smooth right hand contrasts nicely with the bouncy left. Great sound quality! All that audio technology baffles me. As always, thanks for setting up the recital, in addition to everything else you do!

      Cool improvisation!
      If cigars were healthy I'd say that's the only thing missing πŸ˜…. In other words, a perfect performance as it is!

      Your dynamics are exquisite. In some places absolutely irresistible. Well done!

      What a lovely performance. A piece by Takashi Kako, played by Shirokuro, on a Yamaha. I'd say it's like being back in Japan, except I've never been to JapanπŸ˜†. I especially love the part that begins at 0:45.

        Rob β€” Lost. That was a real treat, Rob. The curtain of raindrops set the mood for a wistful, atmospheric, beautifully-played composition. (I was intrigued by the almost-square video format with no badge - where was it hosted?)

        TC3 β€” Worried Life Blues. Energetic and a lot of fun! It sounded well-polished to me - I’m sure the β€˜garage band’ version will be a great success.

        lilypad β€” God Bless the Child. Despite it being out since the 1960’s, I hadn’t heard this piece before. Your performance creates a gentle relaxed atmosphere - very well done!

        BicBic β€” Prelude no.4 in E minor from Op 11. Your enjoyment of this piece shines through this sensitive performance. As for musicality, I’d say you’re there. Congratulations!

          iternabe - O mio babbino caro
          Congrats on finishing off all 35 pieces in the companion book. This piece flows with grace and I like your singing approach which I think shows that your process for learning this is pretty solid. What will you do next now that you finished off book one and the companion? Nice job with your video presentation.

            keff - Over the Rainbow
            This is very satisfying to listen to. I feel a strong connection with your playing and this arrangement. Your piano sounds quite good even with your phone as the main recording device.

              plop_symphony β€” The Midnight Ball
              It's a very witty piece and with lots of expression. Really nice progress from your earlier attempt. Even though I didn't hear that first attempt, you play this comfortably and with confidence.
              Schubertian2 β€” Ballade 4
              This is a major achievement. I really enjoyed your performance. Even in the most difficult parts, you communicate the narrative very clearly and I think that's what I enjoyed the most. You also get a great singing tone out of your piano. It really comes alive the way you've recorded it.

              MarieJ Rob β€” Lost. That was a real treat, Rob. The curtain of raindrops set the mood for a wistful, atmospheric, beautifully-played composition. (I was intrigued by the almost-square video format with no badge - where was it hosted?)

              Thank you. I am pleased you enjoyed it.
              The video is hosted on my Google Drive account, but when I play it there, it is not square.
              I also checked my video submitted in the same way, to recital #1, and that is also square! πŸ€”
              I am not sure why that happens when embedded here.

              Anyway, I have now created a new Youtube account, exclusively for sharing any future (unlisted) videos here, as my Drive account is running short on space.

              Hi Everyone--

              I agree with many accolades expressed here on the nice job with these performances. At the same time, I noticed that more than half of performers put in their "Comment Policy" inviting critique.

              To the performers who stated "anything goes" or "constructive critique" etc., I wanted to confirm you're open to that. I know there's folks who would appreciate it [so long as delivered constructively], but I am also self-conscious about not giving the impression that I'm being critical or negative [since almost all the comments here have been very very positive].

              If that works, I'll plan to spend some time next week to go through each one (that asks for critique in their submission), and provide them to you. So long as there's a preemptive understanding that my intent is simply to provide well-intended critique, and zero intent of being "negative" πŸ™‚

              And if desired, I can also DM anyone who seeks critique. Again, I'm cognizant about being thoughtful in my approach. Just let me know.

              [If this sounds paranoid on my end, it's because I relish the positive vibes of PT, and it's probably the foremost reason members, including myself joined!]

                HeartKeys Yep! Always happy to take constructive criticism about technique and such, I can use all the help I can get. πŸ™‚ Feel free to send it as a private conversation if you're feeling self-conscious about posting it publicly.

                Enthusiastic but mediocre amateur.

                HeartKeys I truly mean it. Anything goes!

                HeartKeys Go for it!
                It will be interesting to see how your critique compares to my own list of my shortcomings (which are many!) πŸ™‚

                • TC3 replied to this.
                • TC3 likes this.

                  [Frantically changes comment policy to "Gushing superlatives only".]
                  Joking 😁. No, really anything goes as long as it's respectful, which is the forum's general policy anywayπŸ˜€.