The best of luck Bart! I have personally given up the quest for a good teacher.
I have written numerous letters to prospective online teachers, and there is rarely any who says, No, I cannot help you with that (which in my case is, basically, help me improve my technique). Then I have a first lesson with them, they make me play C major contrary, and they have NO comment at all on my technique. Not telling me what to improve, but neither telling me what was good about it (in case I played it perfectly).
Also, being on this forum does not help. 🤪 Our discussions have given me a lot of rather firm ideas about how to learn and practise, for instance, no more playing through new pieces.
My latest (last?) teacher wanted me to play through a new piece before I had started practising it, so she could tell me how to play it. We did this with one piece, and I made so many mistakes! I felt pressured and got completely stressed out.
So yesterday I bought a year with Zachary Deak on Artist Works, in order to get feedback on my pieces. In that way, I don't have to deal with a teacher who does not teach in the way that I want to.
Still, I hope that somehow, one day, I will cross paths with a good piano teacher. But the next year, I won't be looking for them.