Ithaca "...if you were going to die in 6 months, I can't think of a better thing than for you than to be able to play such a piano in your waning days."
This person gets angel wings. Furthermore, I hope anyone who can afford the piano of their dreams, buys the piano. Not everyone can afford a dream instrument, and that's sad. But there is no virtue in denying yourself if you have the $$$. I'm in therapy for this! ☺️
When it comes time for me to buy a grand piano, I hope you will help me get over the reflexive self-denial. Remind me that people who can afford to treat themselves and don't, don't get virtue points!
I started out a single mom making $10/hour, and 30 years later, I have the resources to buy almost any piano, but I still clip coupons, and it'll be a big leap of faith to buy the big grand piano when I've decided it's time.
I'm glad you decided to go for it, and I hope you are and continue to be in good health.