Ithaca how little-known the European makes are here in the U.S.
Yep. If one were to quiz the entire US population, especially if they were born post 1990 for example, I would guess less than 1-2% have heard of a brand other than Yamaha and Steinway. Out of those who play(ed) piano (casually), maybe 15% of them have heard of Bosendorfer or Bechstein. 5% maybe heard of Steingraeber, Bluthner, etc. 0.5% maybe heard of Fazioli, or Seiler, etc...
(Generalizing here but...) the US stands out in its short attention span and/or attraction towards marketing, thus Yamaha, Steinway are all they've heard of. Anytime I mention any other brand, almost 100% of the time they go, "hmm. okay. cool!" and are disinterested.
It's already meager to find anyone who knows anything about pianos, let alone playing one. And out of that miniscule population, it requires one to go out of the way to know about any other makers.
[yes, there are exceptions, so I'm making sweeping statements of course].