- Edited
Player1 The keyboard is at table height. I know it looks awkward but it's my legs that are oversized. I don't want to raise the height because then I won't be able to play a standard acoustic piano.
I saw TC3's comment and felt the same way when watching your recital - you look very cramped and speaking as a tall person who has lower back issues I am concerned that your playing position is not doing you any favours. If you are set on getting an acoustic one day that is your choice, but as you have said before they tend to all be a standard table top height, so this issue may not be resolved if you go that route and cannot accommodate your long legs in a comfortable position.
Digital pianos are much lighter and even if yours is within its own case it would be possible to make it higher.
Also, are you sat on a decent piano bench or are you perched on the edge of the bed? I was struggling a bit previously, as I did not have the right height chair to play comfortably, but since I bought myself a sturdy piano bench and set it on the highest setting to accommodate my long legs I am now much more comfortable when playing piano. Apologies if this comes across as nagging you a bit, but I would hate you to exacerbate any back issues you may already have (as so many of us tall folk do).
@ShiroKuro @MarieJ @Sam @lilypad - Thanks for all your kind comments, I appreciate them very much.
"Don't let's ask for the moon, we have the stars." (Final line from Now,Voyager, 1942)