I have the world’s longest layover today!! Anyone know if there’s a piano at O’Hare?
Piano at O’Hare??
Thanks!! Hmm that’s a different terminal … wonder if I should try to go. ..
Every time I have this thought, I realize how far different terminals can be from each other
Did you go? The piano I remember at ohare is a baby grand Kimball, and it’s next to a bar:
Ah, now that I've seen the pic, I think it must have been JFK or Newark....there's a Kawai baby grand in the United terminal.
I can confirm that as of June 30, 2024, that piano at C17 is still there (made the trek from T2 after arriving earlier than expected — as a bonus, got to go through the psychedelic Rhapsody in Blue tunnel on my way there).
As you can see from the photo, the placement of the piano itself was not what I would call conducive to playing if I value my physical safety, so I snapped a photo and went back to my own gate. Hope you had a safe flight @ShiroKuro!
"You're a smart kid. But your playing is terribly dull."
I ended up not going, the airport is too big! But it’s probably for the best given where the piano is placed, it looks like a noisy spot.
Now it’s 4:30am and I’m awake in my hotel room because the AC sounds like a jet engine. (And this is supposed to be a “nice “ hotel
How bad to have noisy AC. You cannot turn it off?
... feeling like the pianist on the Titanic ...
Oh yeah, I would hate to be sitting at that bar where those two people are, minding my own business when someone sits down to play....
I can’t tell if the piano is in the same location as when I was last at O’hare, as there was no nearby carpeting when I was there last. However, there was a bar right next to the piano, and it may be the same bar. The two times I’ve been near that piano, it was cordoned off, so not inviting in any kind of way. And it is very exposed, so you’d have to be ok playing with the whole world walking by.
I wonder if it has a player mechanism inside - there seems to be an electrical power cord dandling underneath, but it does not appear to be plugged in at the time of the photo.
I agree, I would not be comfortable playing in such an environment either.
kanadajin I wonder if it has a player mechanism inside - there seems to be an electrical power cord dandling underneath, but it does not appear to be plugged in at the time of the photo.
Good eye! Found another picture and you're right, looks like it has a player system installed:
Well, turns out I'll be at O'Hare tomorrow and next week. Will try to scout it out and report back.
kanadajin Yes, it definitely has a player system installed, although the 2 times I’ve walked by, it was unplugged.
Also, they change the advertising wraps with some regularity. I wonder if they wrap it on site, because I would imagine it would not be cost-effective to pay for moving the piano each time it got re-wrapped.
I was at O'Hare earlier this week, but didn't see the piano (we were in Terminal 1, B Gates). Unfortunately, with the family there trying to get back and forth with luggage, there wasn't an opportunity to go scavenger hunting
I was in Indianapolis the other day, and stopped by a department store (Von Maur?) and there was a piano with a pianist playing in the center of the store. He was playing cocktail style, very nice! And although the piano wasn’t very big, the music expanded throughout the store quite nicely.
I didn’t want to leave!
Resurrecting an old thread for this very interesting YT video that just popped up:
Gombessa I’m also wondering if the glue gunk was really related to spilled alcoholic beverages. Every time I’ve been by, the piano has a different wrap, and I’m wondering if all the glue may instead be from the multiple wrapping procedures. Also those hammer grooves were pretty crazy! I wonder if someone’s actually been playing it or if they had the player system on a lot.