I've wanted to write here ever since certain incidents the beginning of this year. One or two threads seem to have died and some participants may have vanished from what I see. I wonder if we might fine-tune things with some sensitivity fitting what this site is about.
In this forum there are learners who at an adult age have taken on a new instrument. Or maybe they were poorly taught, had a bad experience or "failed" as children, and are giving it a fresh go years or decades later. It is a vulnerable position taking courage, dedication, and hours for years of work, stumbling, falling, and trying again. It's normal for children, but is questioned when adults do it. There are also advanced pianists, musicians, who are where they are because of years of training and work that they invested to be where they are. We need to respect and be sensitive to all this for our fellow members.
For those of us who are learners, the path is not always clear, nor is there necessarily a path. Trying this or that requires a leap of faith and then dedicated work again over days, weeks, months which may give results, or may be a fool's errand, with all the self-doubt we all tend to harbour. Again, it's a vulnerable position, and takes courage and trust to share. This is supposed to be a safe place.
Awareness of this means that people investing their time and effort in this and that, should not be labeled, even by words that are not rude - nor should their endeavours be labeled. One might say "In my opinion, what you're doing won't work, and here's why." - this can have a response, or be food for thought. Labels don't do that. They also divide people into camps, which we don't want. Any investment of time and effort is also a vulnerability.
At the other side of the spectrum are those who may be highly trained and knowledgeable. What they know and do can also be labeled as old fashioned, antiquated, narrow minded. The things they know or do may be labeled.
I don't think the rules and guidelines about insults, attacks and such cover this side because it's more subtle and maybe even done without ill intent. But I think there is harm, and may also push people into the shadows - because pursuing music is a difficult thing where we often feel we're not good enough, doing it well enough, and are we progressing at all.
(Something like that. It's hard to put into words.)