ShiroKuro But the important point is that with an HVAC, the cooling is artificial — first, warm air is blown across a cooling coil (with refrigerant) and then the air is moved around the house by artificial means — the air handler, which is like a massive fan.
This is such a good point. ACs, heat pumps, refrigerators and most of the refrigerant-coil dehumidifiers are all ultimately the same device, what differs is which direction it runs, and where the "waste heat" is placed. The AC runs ambient air over cold coils to cool the air down, and that immediately causes condensation on the surface of the coils (like filling a glass with ice and leaving it in a warm room). For an AC, that is byproduct waste water and there's usually a drip line to get rid of it. A dehumidifier works the same way, but the entire point is to draw water out of the air, and the "waste" product in this case is heat, because it's a heat pump and the heat has to go somewhere. In an AC, that waste heat is also produced, but it's re-directed outside using a big fan. For a dehumidifier, they just pump the warm, now dry air, out into the room.