this is a really fascinating photo gallery, thank you for sharing. i always hear about how many parts an acoustic piano has, but to see it laid out the way they did here, brings it to life!

Wow, what a beautiful shoot. Thanks for posting.

I understand this is for the artistic/aesthetic element rather than clinical precision, but I can't help but notice the rather arbitrary determination of what qualifies as a "part" and what doesn't. They'll take each pin out of the pinblock, but the damper wires stay on the dampers as a single part. The hardware for the prop stick is all separated out, but not the hinges on the fallboard, etc.

I wonder what the range of "number of parts" is if you deconstruct it even more, count each beam, bracket, etc!

    pseudonym58 Any one of these would make a great poster for our piano rooms. Agree with you, Navindra, Iā€™d buy the coffee table book.