- Edited
Pallas Thanks for this video.
What I do is more like what she does with her Behringer mixer, except I'm going it all on the Zoom and then just moving the file to the computer (via the Zoom's SD card). Then I mix, add the video, etc., just like she does.
What I couldn't tell was whether running the mics directly to the iPhone (via the Focusrite) allows for any mixing options after. There's the convenience of the audio being attached to the video already, but does it result in single mono audio, or does the iPhone capture the two mics (via the Focusrite) as two mono audio tracks or a single stereo track?
I suppose if you do a lot of trial and error and find a sound that you like without having to edit, mix, master, etc., then it's a moot point, but I always like the option of messing around with the audio, especially the levels between the two (or more) mics. Thus my Zoom.
EDIT: I keep forgetting that the Zoom has its own built in interface, so it can plug directly into a phone, laptop, etc. I haven't really experimented with it much yet, but I need to answer my own question above about a Zoom + phone combo.
Enthusiastic but mediocre amateur.