The Sight Reading Progress Thread
WieWaldi Especially the 2nd half of the book was really nice to play.
Wow, good for you!!!! I haven't even proceeded to the next piece yet ^_^ But then again I never promised to sight-read DAILY, lol. I'm sure glad I made a start with it though and I look forward to proceed in the book even more now!
No, I never did any exams. I'm terrible at taking exams and don't want the stress.
This is from the RCM Four Star Sight Reading book, level 10. They have these rhythm exercises that you have to tap while keeping a steady beat. I tap along the metronome and once I got the rhythm then I play the actual notes.
This is actually not that hard since it's in C major (and because I've heard it plenty of times before!). But it could have been a lot better.
I recorded myself sight reading today. Watching the playback is painful! Wrong notes, hesitations, and wrong rhythms abound. I have a long way to go!
Here is me sight-reading "The Trolley Song" from The Giant Book of Standards arranged by Dan Coates. Hopefully it's less painful for you to watch than it is for me (we are our own worst critics...)
We're sooo brave... normally everyone just shares their "best take and we're not telling anyone that it was the 100th try in 3 weeks and a fluke that it went well at last" and here we are, appearing in unflattering housecoat, uncombed hair and no makeup on our face. You have my undying devotion and appreciation!
Seriously, seeing others (especially experienced players such as yourself and ranjit) struggle a little makes me feel so much better about my own attempts!
Thank you!
Sophia Seriously, seeing others (especially experienced players such as yourself and ranjit) struggle a little makes me feel so much better about my own attempts!
I'm glad some good came of posting that video!
For me learning a piece is always a struggle. I've been working on my fast piece recital pieces for almost two months now and a lot of it is repeating some very small snippet over and over again at various speeds until I can get it right 5 times in a row. That would be even more painful to watch than the sight reading!
You caught me! I always take the repeats when sight reading, hoping that it will be better the second time. Sometimes it's worse!
Joking aside: it was nice to listen and fun watching. Especially you bending over to the right side to get a look into the score.
Yeah that happens to all the time. Yet another challenge for us piano players! If the iPad doesn't work out I may take inspiration from your spiral binding of scores!
Player1 I'm still wondering what happens during an exam when the sight reading part is given and how it compares to the efforts here.
It's described in the syllabus and you can find videos of exams on YT. You're given 30 seconds to look through the music, prepare fingering and try out some of it. Nothing you do during that 30 seconds counts for your grade but once the time is up you have to play through and you have one attempt. Scary stuff!
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Attempting to sight read again, hoping this thread would help with accountability. Recording myself just makes me realize that I'm worse at sight reading than I consciously realize. This was the only sight reading take today that was listenable (if that!).
That said, these Pokemon themes are really pretty.
Ten days later - time for the next recording. For sight-reading it is easy - grab the camera, put it in right place, plug in the audio-jack, switch it on, and press the record button. No need to be perfect, no stagefright, relax. Just check that the fly is closed...
I recorded "piece" #69 and #70 from Sight-Reading & Harmony (Complete Edition) , but #69 was so bad that I decided to upload only #70. And this tiny thing was already more than 3 minutes!
Was I prepared? Probably not!
Did I practice enough? Definitely not!
Was it better than 10 days ago? Not even close!
Was the piece harder? I don't think so!
But did I learn something? Yes, I need more practice!
Anything else? It is what it is!
Call it progress recording.
My sight-reading exercises contain fingering hints, but my brain is too busy reading the bubbles on the lines and thinking about rhythm and sharps and flats and what hand has to move which finger in order to hit the right note. Even when I try to follow the fingering hints, I screw it up too often, and I run out of fingers.
It is not a problem if my thumb was the last one, because I can tuck under. But in case, my last finger was the 4th or 5th, I must too often stretch my pinky, and it seems this little finger is stretching over the entire keyboard to hit the right key.
Is this just my problem and I must fix it ASAP, or is this normal at my early stage, and it will be solved over time?
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It doesn't really matter. I run out of fingers all the time when sight reading. I learned to switch fingers quickly (change the finger holding down the note without lifting the key) from playing lots of Bach but if you can't do that then just lift your finger and move your hand. There is no need to keep everying legato.