The Sight Reading Progress Thread
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Ok then, since you are all so terribly brave... here is mine. It is the first part of my "next up" Alfred piece: Deep River. So not really two levels below my skills (because there ARE no two levels below my skill). I wasn't brave enough to tackle the second part because that one I'd definitely need to puzzle on a bit longer and probably play each hand separately a few times before trying to go through it.
I wish you guys could have seen Simba's stare at the end... like he was telling me "what on earth are you trying to do here?!" But unfortunately his face was just above camera.
Pallas oh my gosh, what an improvement! Ok, the left hand didn't seem to be that hard as you are playing the same chord over and over again. But still, it was so fluently played that I couldnt believe by ears. I was really thinking, this is impossible. She must be cheating by practicing the piece before. Then I realized this left hand. You could focus on the RH, and only and need to know when left hand has its turn. Then it seemed to be more realistic to me. Dont get me wrong: Still very good and so fluent. What an improvement!
(If this LH thing wouldnt have happend, I would have sold my piano, because of frustration)
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This piece used for sight-reading is very challenging for starters. I mean we (the brave we) started with one-liners. 4 bars, not that many notes. Maybe not even songs. But still playable stuff that has harmonies, easy enough to hear if something went wrong.
Maybe you should get sheet music that is designed to learn sight reading. Then you will find material two levels below you. Believe me, it exists.
Nevertheless you did remarkably well, considering how difficult this piece is...
Tell Simba to give you a big hug and at least twelveandtwenty claps on your shoulder with his paw.
Lol thank you. I wanted to start with something easier, but I didn't have anything at hand. I mean haven't opened my new Easy Classics book yet. And I didn't want to use the John Thompson kiddie book because that starts with C C C C C C C... though to make it harder that C is sometimes played with the left thumb and sometimes with the right thumb.
But you are right, I should buy one of those books you mentioned in the other thread... I will... someday
Here's my sight reading.
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Lol! So true!
At least I excelled in not impressing anyone, not even Simba
Oops sorry cross posted with you ranjit!
Yes, it's quite motivating.
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Think you're good at rhythms, eh? Try clapping out this one
It took me a couple of tries to get it at a very slow tempo.
Edit: I'm not trying to diminish anyone's accomplishments or deny those who feel they have to practice note reading first but if you want to eventually sight read more advanced music you have to practice more difficult rhythms too.
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Also I don't want to leave the impression that I'm always sight reading rhythmically correct. My sight reading is far from that good, with lots of slowing down and stopping. I can only do it strictly in time when it's really easy which for me is something like RCM 4 or 5. But I made a lot of progress since I started trying to play in strict time.
ranjit okay, this is another level. Still behind your ability to play polished pieces. Ok, your polished ones are way above, to be fair. But if I remember correctly, you stated to be a sight-reading beginner yourself, and this was really NOT bad.
I guess you are a very ambitioned pianist, so I can't wait to see another video from you. And see how big the improvements are, if someone at your level and ability is training this discipline. Thank you for joining the club of people, showing their skill to perform a piece without practicing.
BartK Think you're good at rhythms, eh? Try clapping out this one
It took me a couple of tries to get it at a very slow tempo.
It would take me more than a couple of tries. That is a challenging rhythm, to say the least. It has a little bit of everything, and you have to tap a steady beat the entire time. I've always found sixteenth note-dotted eighth note combinations (sometimes called a Scotch Snap) waaay more difficult than the more common dotted eight-sixteenth combo.
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I can sort of vouch for the fact that WieWaldi was teasing you dear Pallas, I know I was And I also agree that the joke has gone far enough now. I'm sure we all love you dearly and want you to feel comfortable
Actually I found that I may have a book that is in between C C C C and "next piece" so I'm going to attempt that today.
I still find it incredibly brave that we're all sharing videos of our baby steps. It's the stuff nightmares are made of.... you know the type where you suddenly find out you that you are expected to give a public speech in front of a large audience and you have no idea what you are supposed to say. Scary thought, that!
Absolutely Pallas! I'm sorry if I caused you some discomfort. All in good jest I assure you!