Coming back to the piano after 10 days in hospital and around 20 days recuperating at home and starting to play again, a channel seems to have “opened a channel” to the improvisational/compositional aspect of what Talents I have.

I'm excited about this development. It's fun, and it's new to me within the past year. Dave Frank, a great Jazz pianist and teacher, helped me open myself up, and though I'll never be a Jazz pianist (since my Talent doesn't lean in that direction), it's great to be able to improvise and compose in styles more natural to me.

This little melody came to me pretty much all at once, I recorded it as it came using my cellphone, then I wrote it down by hand into a notebook, and eventually, I transcribed it using the free version of Dorico.

The rolled chords are to be played as if strummed.
As written I think it could be played pretty much as is on guitar.
I think it could also work for flute or clarinet and a guitar (or a piano), too.

I'll record it when things are quiet around the studio and I have the time to do it, and I'll append that recording to this thread as a comment. If you decide to sight-read or play it, LMK!

I played this through a couple of time @Seeker and it's very nice!

In measure 40:

Did you mean for the upper D to be an E instead? To my ear E fits the piece better but if it's supposed to be D that works too! 🙂

    Welcome back @Seeker!! I have downloaded your piece and will add it to my list of stuff to learn - I'm only a beginner so I don't know yet how difficult it will be for me to play (these things are usually deceptively more difficult than I anticipated), but at least the right hand looks doable from where I'm sitting 😃

      Wishing you a good continued recovery from return from hospital!

        rogerch Indeed, this was what I had in mind - it adds a bit of modal spice to the harmony, albeit briefly. Thanks for playing the piece.


          Sophia I don't know yet how difficult it will be for me to play...
          THANKS for giving it a try.
          I would rate the piece at about the same level as if you were playing, e.g. the second book of the Bartok Microcosmos.
          When I record it, I will mention fingerings I use as well as some technical things that are part of what I learned from Peter Feuchtwanger. For now, you might take as a recommendation using 3-2-1 on the repeated B's. You could try, for the RH first two measures: 2-1-3-2-1. As for the LH arpeggiated chords, if you keep in mind the sound of a strummed guitar or lute, it can give energy to them.

          HeartKeys Wishing you a good continued recovery from return from hospital!
          Can't thank you enough. Much appreciated. I am, thankfully, well on my way to full recovery if not quite there yet.

          Seeker Thanks, good to know! I will play it as written! 🙂