This is another tune I really like. Needs work - there are various/lots of things to fix, which is fun and enjoyable to do. To make it sound more nice/elegant etc.

Tonight. I decided to just play it a bit and share some of the nice tune and sounds. Once I get it all together properly - eventually - will definitely share another version!

Yamaha P-525 (Bosie sound set) :

dragon strikes - flac file

dragon strikes - wav file

Both audio files have the same content. The flac file is about three times smaller in file size.

I'm going to add this link below too, highlighting that when we play the notes a little differently, and even using a different timbre, then we can make it quite a different feel. That's where endless fun/enjoyment is --- in piano and music.

Yamaha P-525 (CFX sound set) :

dragon strikes - short

15 days later

I've never heard of Dragon Strikes, or this song, but it does sound like a movie theme, dramatic, and you played it very well.

    PianoMonk Thanks for your post PianoMonk, and for listening to that one, and your very nice comment. I heard your excellent piano playing in your linked members recordings. You play the piano excellently. The Nearness in You sounds both amazing and relaxing - there are no actual words to describe what you created - but it is along the lines of very wonderful and very beautiful and very elegant - all in one. And On the Streets Where You Live. Also amazing. You have a very nice style and music abilities. I will be adding those ones to my permanent listening list. Best regards.

    Adding for all ...

    The person that composed the original music - his name is Michael Lai.

    LINK - Lai Sui Tin

    The name 'Lai Sui-Tin' in cantonese is sort of pronounced like 'Lay seal-tin' (but they don't actually say the 'L' at the back of 'seaL'). Surname is pronounced 'Lay'. He's not 'with us' anymore. And I can say he is definitely one of those many super gifted musical composing talents in history. One of those miracle types. Miracle of nature. A very good - outstanding person.