I had not heard that one before! It is very nice and relaxing - and memorable. Both sound nice to me, but can understand the differences between the two. When the human puts in certain touches due to understanding where those touches (features) should be applied, where the computer hasn't been taught or doesn't 'feel' (like a human does), then the computers still have something to learn ... and that is great. They are welcome as beginners too - along with us all.
Does the computer process the music score sheet and then play the music? The technology is certainly remarkable if that is what is done. Leaps and bounds.
And reminds me sort of like this one (slowed down a bit that is!).
flac file - mex hat simplified
wav file - mex hat simplified (same audio as flac file)
(I made typos when playing it a moment ago, but I got this! I'll fix it!!)