Shall we start a pillow fight instead Pallas? Or mud wrestling? That might provide some fun excitement...
When someone posts something that I don't agree with, I don't have to reply and let the world know that I disagree. I may reply if I think I can write something helpful that would be well received. Otherwise, I do not engage.
Sometimes when I get angry I write an email or a text or a post... but I never send it. In my experience communicating electronically while angry just makes whatever I'm angry about worse.
@Quitter I'm sorry if anything I have written on this forum comes across as elitist. As far as I'm concerned, if you are having fun playing the piano you are doing it right! The fun is the whole point, not the genre, technique, piano type, or virtual piano.
Let's keep PianoTell friendly and fun!
Also: if someone insults or attacks me on a forum, I can choose not to respond, or to respond with kindness instead of counter attacking. If someone is trying to pick a fight on this forum and no one fights back, the fight will not get very far.
In the not so distant future, digital pianos will very likely be able to not only provide a better action, but also better sound than acoustic ones. Like the Turing test, a professional pianist, trained his whole life with acoustic pianos that is, he is presented with the aforementioned key-full music box. When asked the question "Is it a real piano", his answer is a vehemently "Yes!". Then almost immediately the power goes out.
Using the words of a fellow neuroscientist: Reality is just a hallucination that we all agree on (A. Seth). So let's just replace the "better" from my initial paragraph, with "unique" and keep enjoying all instruments.
rogerch When someone posts something that I don't agree with, I don't have to reply and let the world know that I disagree.
Most of the time I'm the same, but I think it's important not to allow anyone to use accusations of snobbery or elitism to shut down other people, or to dismiss their opinions.
Random story time:
"It's delicious, tender meat," said the father, sharpening his axe.
"It's the root cause of my omelette," said the mother, grabbing her frying pan.
"It's my beloved pet", said the child, gently stroking its soft feathers.
"You're all dead wrong," said the scientist, frowning disapprovingly. "It's a Gallus gallus domesticus and don't you forget to capitalize the first G!"
"Huh?" said the family, "are you talking about our chicken here?"
I'm glad we're all friends again Please let this forum be different from other places... pretty please?
It's all nonsense. If you can tune it, then it's a piano, because a nice tuning can fundamentally change the character of an instrument. And if you can voice it and thus change the character of the instrument, then it's a real piano. And if it has an una corda pedal, then using it gradually changes the character of the instrument.
If your instrument can't provide any of these features, then it's not a piano.
Does that mean we are going to get another round of this fight?
Sophia Random story time:
"It's delicious, tender meat," said the father, sharpening his axe.
"It's the root cause of my omelette," said the mother, grabbing her frying pan.
"It's my beloved pet", said the child, gently stroking its soft feathers.
"You're all dead wrong," said the scientist, frowning disapprovingly. "It's a Gallus gallus domesticus and don't you forget to capitalize the first G!"
"Huh?" said the family, "are you talking about our chicken here?"
I like your story!
- Edited
Wait.. by kittens are you referring to you and Josephine?
And why would you need a pedicure for mud wrestling?
Btw thanks for lightening the mood of this discussion. Nothing like a pillow fight / mud-wresting match between my two favorite freshly pedicured kittens.
Edit: ok now that the mood has been restored we can resume piano talk.
Double edit: oh no! I thought the fight was between you and Josephine, but it was against @Sophia ! Sorry for the confusion! But let's include Josephine. She's already impeccably pedicured.
There's Acoustic Piano and Digital Piano. Both are instruments used to make music. Buy whichever one you like, or can afford, or have space for, and enjoy it. I've owned a few of each type, pros and cons, but presently own a digital piano. It does what I want it to. Does anyone who owns one, or the other, or both, really care what anyone else thinks? When I sit down to play, I don't even think about what it is. I think about what I want to play.
How 'bout we all call this, so called, debate, (and a useless one at that), done.
Pedicures, kittens, pillow fights, mud wrestling, and now we're adding peepee to the mix. You ladies are getting me dizzy. Don't stop.
Ok, now we totally need to rename this forum... "Welcome to iano Tell. Notice there is no P in it. Let's keep it that way!"