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Workshop: Day 1
I went in to practice and my wrists were feeling it even at the beginning. My favorite practice room old Bรถsendorfer is a little more clapped out than I remember and definitely out of tune but it's ok. But then I played through the whole thing and my wrists felt better as they warmed up. It's easier to play than my piano at home.
We ran through the whole thing during our rehearsal and our coach suggested picking which movement(s) we wanted to play at the final concert today so that I can focus on them at my lesson tomorrow. Since this workshop session has fewer groups than usual, we decided to do two movements. He thought the 4th movement was a good candidate (it's upbeat and fun!) and then we decided on the 2nd movement for contrast (also that happens to be the movement I can play the cleanest).
I totally bombed the hard part of the first movement, twice! Once we reached the part with octave jumps I think I got shifted by a note or something and then it was just a mess. He said let's do it again and then a similar thing happened. So I'm glad we're not playing it. And the 3rd movement still has some tricky stuff I'm working through with octaves jumping around a bit in both hands. The "military section" was better than it was a week ago but definitely not solid; it really needs to be semi-memorized. They took it at a much slower place in that section than how I was practicing, which really helped!
I had not practiced much with metronome which was ok for most parts but the Trio in the second movement is very tricky with how the strings interact with the piano and I am not playing the triplets at a precise tempo. Need to practice it with metronome tomorrow morning before our rehearsal and my lesson!
Also the cellist asked me during one section if I had ever seen Menahem Pressler play and that he always has his head to the side looking at the strings, and could I memorize it and do that, and I said no This is an amateur workshop! It was so ridiculous.
Going to bed super early and then plan to get up early for breakfast and to go practice early.