Yes - differences. The biggest thing don't like about his sheet music is the layout. Line breaks and page breaks when it really hurts. I always opted to have exactly two bars on one single line to see repeating patterns easier:
C7 - C7
C7- C7
F7 - F7
C7 - C7
G7 - F7
C7 - C7
I don't like the auto-alignment with 3 bars on a line while 2 or 4 make more sense in terms of musical structure.
Oh - and for the black keys you have always two possibilities, how to notate them. Either with a # or a b symbol. I tried to always use the version that does not require a natural sign later on.
I tried to figure out a rule for music notation in the other forum, but all the answers did not make any sense to me. It was something with harmonic or tonic, and I didn't understand it. And also today, I don't get it yet. Ask me in two years again. Maybe my music theory will be better than - haha.
Oh - yes. A kitten (Lionel/Sandy?) hiding on the left leg. Let me tell you what happened: You played really great! Your little tiger has no complaints about it, and didn't see the need to correct you on the fly.