hebele I don't really listen blues. My goal is to start practicing improvisation and realised that classical resources are not going to cover it much. Do you think this course will help towards that?
Before I started this course, I was in the exact same boat as you. Accidentally, I watched these two videos
🎹 12 Bar Blues Piano Tutorial - Basic Blues Progression, Left Hand & Blues Scale 🎹
🎹 12 Bar Blues Piano Tutorial Part 2 - Chord Progressions, Left Hand & Blues Scale 🎹
and thought this might be the best place for a bloody beginner to get into improvisation.
Basically, my takeaway of those videos was the "If you want to speak a language, start with the vocabulary", meaning learn patterns, licks, riffs, scales for a certain genre. Then you can combine those stuff by splitting up licks and re-connect them. Unfortunately, these videos won't go too deep into blues piano and I really struggled with playing LH pattern + RH scale. 😲
To make it short, the videos above gave me an idea how to improvise, but didn't provide enough food to learn from.
A few weeks later, I found Christian's tutorial and started to learn with it. Was a good decision, though. I would not say, I can improvise yet, and I am not anywhere close to rogerch, but don't forget he was actually playing a lifetime from sheet music before he started improvising. Meaning, his improvising journey started after he had eaten a lifetime of sheet-music food.
At my current stage, all I can do is play LH pattern and try out stuff with RH. Mixing scales, doing some licks I have learned in the past, mix in some licks I came up by my own. Basically I can do a little bit of that receipe:
rogerch The first time you try, play a note, then play another note. What do think? Play another one. It took me a while to develop little patterns and sequences I like, but even in the beginning I was able to play music that was fun for me to play that I liked the sound of it.
And do it with some beginners Blues-vocabulary... It works.
hebele I think I will follow the course and then try to introduce more improvisation on top of it. Blues seems nicely structured for this.
Welcome! Can't wait to follow your journey. It has fun parts, some boring parts, but the fun parts are more!