Heh, oh yeah, my Muppet song is many many many many moons away still... if ever! But it's nice to dream
So, back to reality for me too... I started the next blues lesson! It is the slow blues lesson with the punches. So far it's not very interesting, not like the Muppet punches between Mahna Mahna (I had to look up his name) and Zoot. Ok, speaking of Mahna Mahna, that's another song on my wish list! Oh yes, we said back to reality
So I do have a question for you. The lesson starts like this:
It requires sliding the middle finger from F# to G, little finger stays on Bb. How did you manage to do that without pain? If I slide in between the keys, it hurts a little, even though I don't have fat fingers. But if I slide down towards the broad part of the white key, my little finger slides with it, sometimes even off the black key. So how did you manage it?
Also, are you going to give up on the Christmas song for this year and try again next year? It sounds like this is something you will be able to master, it just takes a little more time, right?