Well, the lesson is still not going smoothly. I can play the first part without any effort now, and fairly fast at that. The second part is okay, it's a little more of a struggle but still good enough for just a lesson. But the last part is hard, very very hard. I can play it, but error free only at a single digit bpm ð
One option is to play everything at a slower speed and pretend it's a ballad. I tried that, but somehow my internal clock doesn't agree with it and speeds it up gradually anyway (we talked about this phenomenon in other threads too). It just wants to be played at a certain speed and that's that.
Another option is cheating and recording in sections, pretending I'm practising my camera angle skills. But I won't do that, I promise ð
The best alternative is to keep practising the last part until I can play that just as smoothly - this is my current plan.. Probably another week or so... one of the shortest lessons so far is taking me the longest to learn ð