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Sophia Sorry - your lesson stays with this chord progression all the time. Anyway, this is probably just for getting into playing slow chords instead of humptee-dumptee LH patterns. I am happy, I had this lesson before getting into a longer and more complicated LH.
I remember how long it took to position 3 fingers on the keyboard. With every lesson later on, this became easier and easier and somehow the brain got used to recall a weird LH finger shape.
Currently I feel as well like and not like
Playing gospels chords makes this church feeling all the time. Guess I have to go through it. Even with a quite easy RH, the LH + pedal makes it quite difficult. Seems like Christian has to provide some more serious lessons, too. (But without explaining how to pedal. ) Who cares, the theory behind the pedal is very easy and a no-brainer to figure out. Still, it needs practice.