Ahh! Yes that sounded familiar immediately!!! I was swinging along with the slow blues section - loved all of it, pretty harmonies, great sounds, loved the walking bass (mine is still a lot simpler than that).
But then oh my goodness, you weren't kidding with the Hanon part.... well played but YIKES! Endless misery basically... plonk-ee-plink-ee-plonk-ee, very grating to my ears indeed. But then around the 7 minutes mark it had a lovely ending.
Then of course the real fun started: ROCK & ROLL!!! Yeah!!! Jerry Lee Lewis, move over, WieWaldi is in town! With great hands of fire!
P.S. there was no risk of me submitting my lesson before you, I'm only at the left hand stage, trying to add the magic triangle... "I don't want to pay this, said the guest"