I don't know if this would just end up being a section only for me, but I was wondering if there is a place for a "Piano technology" subforum. It kind of straddles "piano forum" and "tuners/tech forum" and undoubtedly part of digital, but I think there were certain subjects at PW that I struggled to categorize, such as discussions about:

  1. Player and silent systems
  2. Novel piano mechanisms like magnetic actions, celeste/sordino/mozart systems
  3. Video/mic/recording/post-processing setups
  4. Tablet sheet readers, sheet software, bluetooth page turners, etc.


Edited: I actually agree with the others here, less sections is better. So... how about LESS sections rather than more?

  • Piano Talk (analog, digital, tuning, recording equipment, etc)
  • Learners Lounge
  • Pianist Corner
  • Member Recordings
  • Teacher Talk (since that one is so unpopular, is it really needed? Maybe Share Stories instead?)
  • Meta


Original reply still below:

How about this? Reasoning below 🙂

  • Pianist Corner
  • Learners Lounge
  • Analog Pianos
  • Digital Pianos
  • Piano Stories
  • Member Recordings
  • Tuner Technicians
  • Piano Technology
  • Teachers Chat
  • Meta

First, that makes it an even 10 forums. I like even numbers 🙂 Also, I notice that there are a lot of people who like to share their personal piano journey, or share stories about they met their piano, etc. It might be nice to have a forum for that.

Second, I really think the order of the current forum isn't optimal (I know, I know... sorry.. dog... bone). But I really think changing the order would give a nice balanced feel... first two "play" sections, then two "equipment" sections, and then two "personal" sections, and two "technology" sections, and finally two "other" sections.

And third, right now there are two "TT" sections (Tuner Technicians and Teacher Talk). I notice a trend for people to abbreviate the forum sections, so I suggest to change Teacher Talk into Teacher Chat or Teachers Chat (or whatever better term).

Just a thought 🙂 Honestly just because I'm pushy about something doesn't mean it has to happen. It just means I'm passionate 😃

    Pallas I'm not sure. But it would be awfully nice to just be able to post however you want on any piano-related topic of your choice.

    This is my feeling. I don't understand the need to categorize everything "correctly." It will make some people stress about the "proper" place to post things. Personally I just pull up all discussions anyway; I rarely even go to a specific forum. Maybe this is something to discuss more in the future, if the site grows and things start to seem chaotic?

      JB_PT Haha there's that too.... in that case, ok, what about going the other way and lump everything "Piano" together? No longer Analog Piano, Digital Piano, Tuner Technicians but just "Piano Talk"? Or is that a step too far? Remember, I'm just brainstorming with you guys 😃 I agree that the less forums the better, despite of what I said before. Let me change my previous reply to mention this more specifically.

        Sophia Teacher Talk (since that one is so unpopular, is it really needed?

        Just because it's currently unpopular doesn't mean that it shouldn't be there! I hope in the future there will be teachers who want to join.

        Sophia Remember, I'm just brainstorming with you guys

        I understand...I wasn't trying to shoot down your ideas. It just seems like it might be hard to dial things in perfectly right now as this site is just getting on its feet. It's awesome that we have this option though - to make suggestions and get to be part of the customization process. 🙂

        Right on!! I know I can get a little carried away when I feel passionate about something - and this forum ticks all the right boxes. Please, continue to shoot down my ideas especially if they are truly bad 😁

          Sophia it's all just a friendly discussion! There are no bad ideas, just ideas 🙂

          Sophia what about going the other way and lump everything "Piano" together?

          I think the "All Discussions" tab is already doing that! I think this is pretty great for someone who wants to see everything, but it is also great that someone who is only interested in Digitals can stay there without having to wade through everything else.

          For me personally, if "hiding subforums" in the "All Discussions" view gets implemented, I will be hiding the Digitals posts from my view since I have no interest in that. So I like having some high-level categories at least.

            twocats I will be hiding the Digitals posts from my view since I have no interest in that.

            Ok, playing devil's advocate here. I thought exactly the same about acoustic pianos. It's not that I'm not interested, but there is no realistic expectation that we'll be adding one to the household any time soon. So I didn't look at the forum - and then I found out I missed out on one of the most awesome threads in this forum where people shared stories about how their love affair with piano started. Now I also trained myself to look at the /all view 😊

            But otherwise I do agree - I think some sections are needed. One well known forum has way too many, and another doesn't have enough. So far I think PT is in the Goldilocks zone... I'm hoping it will never change in a cacophony of forums and subforums, such as the place that shall not be named 😼

            @navindra a minor bug, but on the notifications page if I clear individual notifications, the tally at the bottom will become a negative number. And if I refresh it'll fix it. It doesn't really affect the usability but at the same time, somebody at Flarum should probably fix it 🙂

            @navindra It looks like you can't quote video links. It's not a major issue, but could be a slight improvement.

            I heard a beautiful song in a tv show, but it it's not piano music, so it's off topic. Is it okay to start a topic about other music? And where?

              Josephine I think an "off topic" forum is a good idea. In PW, the off topic forums are totally dead, but since many people here are looking at "all discussions", an "off topic" forum has a chance of succeeding.

              EDIT: I don't think "off topic" is a good name. How about "Away From The Piano" or "Break Time"?

                Josephine I love it too! Perhaps Meta (which I always thought a little ugly as a name) could be renamed to PianoTell Pub?

                I'm not sure what I did. First I edited my post, but after that I decided to delete it. I think I also flagged it.

                  Josephine I had replied to it but then it was gone so I deleted my reply too 😂