Thanks! The hack did the trick, I just had to refresh the page.
🎹 Piano | Tell — feature requests and suggestions
I have a request. I haven't read everything written above, and I apologise if it has been discussed before.
I would very much like to see pages within threads. For instance, the Neuroscience-based efficient practice schedule thread is so long that it is difficult to handle. It is very good that I can click to Original post and to Now, but scrolling through the whole thread isn't easy at all.
... feeling like the pianist on the Titanic ...
Animisha This is feedback I'll have to take back to Flarum, thank you!
Beach L168, Wish, baCh, WOW Petrof, Fake Steinway, VS
Just thinking out loud here, but wondering if a 'non-classical pianists' section would be welcomed by enough members?
Possibly with a catchier title though.
Rob I love both genres - probably equally much It always pained me that in PW there seemed to be almost a bit of animosity between people who sometimes loudly declared to belong to one "side" or the other.
So as always speaking strictly for myself I'm enjoying the current mingling very much, just like I appreciate so very much that there is no longer a distinction where beginners are supposed to dwell and advanced players.
I think this forum is more friendly and welcoming because of it. But again that's just my personal opinion
OK, this has been bothering me for a while. When I click on my notifications it goes directly to the post but if the post is a reply to an old topic I don't always remember what it's about. Would it be possible to have the title visible at the top instead of the post number?
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Gombessa "At the top" - do you mean at the top of the full thread view (like where it says "Piano Tell - World Forum)?
I'm usually viewing on the mobile interface and at the top it displays the number of posts. Like right now it says "124 of 124 posts". To me that information isn't as useful as the thread title.
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