Seeker Looking at the rug, etc, perhaps a 90 degree rotation putting your back and the keyboard towards the wall could work?
You can't tell in the photo, but the kitchen actually runs along the wall where I'm taking the photo from. Wide-angle photo makes it look like there is more space than there actually is — there's only about 3 ft of space between the side of the piano and the countertop.
Gombessa Looks great! Do you have a couple more angles, particularly how close the bass end is to the wall? It can be hard to judge space/distance from a single photo.
Here's a couple photos (excuse the mess, I may redact these later) that give a better sense of the space and how close the kitchen is:
Also out of view is a large TV/console at the far end where the kitchen counter ends and the sofa seating area begins. The window end of the room was another option for putting the piano, with the main concerns being afternoon sun exposure from SW-facing windows, greater exposure to outside temp/humidity fluctuations with the balcony door, and not being sure where to put the TV.