• Pianist Zone
  • Discussing Molly Gebrian (Splinter Discussion of "Molly Gebrian 7 Months Later")

PianoMonk Ha, ha, ha, I nearly spat my tea out when I read your recent comment! 😁 Why are you pussyfooting around?!? Just say it like it is! 🙃

You're entitled to your opinion and I don't think you're trespassing, because this is a splinter thread where dissenters should feel free to speak up. MG certainly has some loyal supporters on this forum, but their right to be offended on her behalf doesn't cancel out your right to freedom of speech.

"Don't let's ask for the moon, we have the stars." (Final line from Now,Voyager, 1942)

    Nightowl If you look at how this conversation flowed, I think you will find that no one objected to dissenting opinions about Molly Gebrian's methods. What caused this recent hubbub was the response of "whatever.." following this entirely inoffensive statement (twocats).

    The "whatever" might not have sounded rude to some of you, but it did to the person it addressed. I've stated it above:

    rsl12 If people are offended by a joke or criticism, It's not nice to shrug off their feelings, or to restate the joke/criticism in a more emphatic way. Please use manners and show some consideration.

    I don't think it's too much to ask.

    Nightowl MG certainly has some loyal supporters on this forum, but their right to be offended on her behalf doesn't cancel out your right to freedom of speech.

    As rsl12 said, I'm not offended by anyone's opinion but I don't think it's appropriate to be responded to with disrespect. I hope you can see the difference. As I said above:

    twocats Disagreements are always fine as long as things are said in a respectful way. But there's no call for rudeness. It shuts down the conversation and brings down the tone of both the thread and the forum.

    PianoMonk 'm just amazed that this thread is titled "discussing" ....

    Just noting that I did discuss, in the true sense, something of yours today in dialog. I don't know if you saw it. It would be the second time for a non-response. The idea of you being rude or not would seem to be less fruitful than actual ideas. 🙂