BartK It's great that people are sharing. Please don't be shy about your performances! We know they are just quick studies and not perfect. I hope I'm not scaring anyone away with my performances.
I'm glad people are sharing. It's great to hear the variety of pieces, and I'm making note of some of the pieces I'd like to eventually learn myself. I'm still very much a beginner, so I don't expect my pieces to sound great. Other people's recordings aren't stopping me from sharing a recording of my playing. the biggest reason is I'm naturally shy so it's hard to put myself out there. Even so, I did try to get make a video on my phone, but my phone is old and slow and the video looked and sounded blurry. I tried messing around with getting an audio recording, but that's a pain getting it from my piano to my computer. Those are the main reasons. I could probably come up with more excuses reasons.