First post since lurking here after PW got sold. Our church does an annual Christmas performance with 4 grand pianos. Really fun. We have to rent 3 of them, and in the past have gotten various Yamahas (CF6, S7, etc.). Very nice. The pianos were delivered today for this year’s show. We got a CF6, a C5 and an Estonia L225. What a magnificent instrument. It is the Laul special edition. Just beautiful. Plays like a dream and sounds great. Time to start looking for a 190 for the house . . .

This is a before set decoration picture, without the poinsettias and candles.

    So wonderful to have this whole lineup of fantastic pianos in one setting!

    Wow! What an amazing event, to have all those pianos! What’s on the program?

    P.S. welcome to PianoTell!!!

      Ahhh looks stunning!

      Tgrshrk99 welcome, and are you one of those very fortunate four?

      ... feeling like the pianist on the Titanic ...

        From the legs and the music desk, I have my guess about which one is the Estonia! Enjoy the performance!

          Animisha sadly, no. I am far too out of practice to pull anything like that off.

          navindra that’s my guess, based on the shape of the legs and music desk.

          Estonia pianos have been popular in the USA for quite some time. I think the latest models have a special tone. They sound like the pianos from 100 years ago but in a more modern sense.