I know first hand how hard this piece is, having played it myself, so congrats for getting it learned and polished.
That being said there are some things that bothered me. Are you counting the slow parts? Because I feel you are both waiting too long on the rests and cutting short some of the beats. I mean, it's OK to do rubato but it has to be intentional, like you count "one aaaaannd twoooo..." extending some beats but still strictly keeping track of them in your head.
The staccatos were a bit harsh for my taste. Yeah, it's Beethoven but not Prokofiev. I think your attack is too short. The tempo has to be fast but despite that the staccato notes need to have substance and weight otherwise they sound like some ornaments thrown in and not like a melody.
The dynamic contrasts could be clearer but maybe it's just the recording. Try playing a lot softer overall, then your crescendos will sound much more dramatic. In general, I have the same tendency to play Beethoven too loud but I discovered that if I play much softer than I intend and only play really loud in some select places then it comes out much better. Like sometimes I feel I'm playing too soft but then in the recording it sounds much better that way. Try it and see!
Also, isn't your left hand getting tired playing like that? It looks really tense.
Sorry if I sound somewhat harsh. I love that piece and have a certain view of how it should be played. It was a good performance and I wish you the best to continue improving it.